The United States Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative

USEITI is part of an international effort to promote open and accountable management of natural resources. This site provides data about extractive industries across the United States.

Learn more about the initiative
Explore the data icon-ribbon-oil-rig small Created with Sketch. icon-ribbon-oil-rig Created with Sketch.

Learn about extractive industries in each state

Explore production, revenue, and economic impact data for each state, as well as additional contextual information and data about three states that chose to participate in deeper USEITI reporting: Alaska, Montana, and Wyoming.

The U.S. ranks first in the world for production of oil and natural gas, and second in the world for production of coal and renewable energy.

Partial map of the United States

How it works

Who owns natural resources in the U.S.?

Natural resources can be owned by citizens and corporations, the federal government, state and local governments, or Indian tribes and individuals.

Circles of various sizes and shapes

Explore data

Where does the money go?

Revenue from natural resources goes to state governments, as well as several federal funds that support projects at the local and national levels.