Below are the names, areas of responsibility, and contact information for personnel in the Office of Arbitration. You may reach the Office of Arbitration at (202)-606-5111. For more information click on arbitration-about us.

Arthur Pearlstein, Director of Arbitration (202) 606-5111. Has overall responsibility for the FMCS arbitration program. Handles program management and policy, as well as education and outreach to the labor relations community. Deals with complex issues, disputes and concerns over rules and regulations of the program, violation of the Arbitrator Code of Professional Responsibility, and matters of first impression. E-mail:

Karen Pierce, Supervisor of Case Administration (202) 606-3672. Supervises the work of the Case Administrators, including resolving customer concerns regarding FMCS panels. Handles complaints from parties regarding overdue awards and scheduling. Administers placement of arbitrators on the FMCS Roster. Monitors changes to biographical sketches of arbitrators.  E-mail:

Shakima Wright, Senior Program Assistant (202) 606-5329. Responds to requests for permanent panels and nationwide panels. Notifies parties regarding past due payments owed to arbitrators. Processes the annual arbitrator listing fees. Case administrator for states listed below. E-mail:

Patricia Young, Staff Assistant (202) 606-5111. Receives incoming calls on the main Arbitration telephone line and routes to appropriate staff contact; Program Assistant to Director of Arbitration. E-mail:


Case Administration by State

Keith Johnson
Case Administrator
Phone: (202) 606-5118
Responsible for cases from the following states: Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Iowa, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Utah, and Vermont, West Virginia.

Margaret Hammonds
Case Administrator
Phone: (202) 606-5128
Responsible for cases from the following states: Alabama, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Nevada, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia, Virgin Islands.

Suzanne Nichter
Case Administrator
Phone:   (202) 606-5129
Responsible for cases from the following states: California, Connecticut, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming.

Maya Hester
Case Administrator
Phone: (202) 606-5446
Responsible for cases from the following states: Arizona, Illinois, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, and Rhode Island.

Shakima Wright
Case Administrator
Phone: (202) 606-5329
Responsible for cases from the following states: District of Columbia, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Washington, and Wisconsin.