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10.14. Special Interest Programs

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10.14. Special Interest Programs

A program, or a technology project that will result in a program, has special interest if it has one or more of the following factors: technological complexity; Congressional interest; a large commitment of resources; the program is critical to achievement of a capability or set of capabilities; the program is part of a system of systems; or the program is a joint program. Generally, the level of funding, desired oversight and reporting will determine the Milestone Decision Authority and whether or not the program is designated a "Special Interest" program.

Programs that already meet the dollar thresholds for a Major Defense Acquisition Program (MDAP) may not be designated Special Interest programs.

10.14.1. Major Defense Acquisition Program (MDAP) or Special Interest Programs

If a program meets one of the MDAP dollar thresholds (per section 2430 of title 10, United States Code), then the program is automatically an MDAP. If the program is below the dollar threshold for designation as an MDAP, the Defense Acquisition Executive (DAE) may still choose to designate the program an MDAP if he or she deems oversight with statutory reporting is needed. An MDAP is designated ACAT I and its oversight comes from the DAE. The DAE can either retain MDA or delegate it to a Component Head or Component Acquisition Executive (CAE). If the DAE retains MDA, the program is an ACAT ID program. If the DAE delegates MDA to the Component Head or CAE, then the program is an ACAT IC program. As an MDAP, the program must meet all statutory reporting requirements for MDAP programs.

If the DAE desires oversight of a program that falls below MDAP dollar thresholds, and deems that statutory reporting associated with MDAPs is not needed, the program is designated a Special Interest Program. If the DAE retains MDA, the program is an ACAT ID Special Interest program. If the DAE delegates MDA to the Component Head or CAE, then the program is an ACAT IC Special Interest program. The CAE may also designate programs that are ACAT II or below as CAE Special Interest Programs.

For such Special Interest programs, the reporting requirements are tailored to meet the specific oversight needs and must be captured in an Acquisition Decision Memorandum.

Table 10.14.1.T1 – MDAP & Special Interest Designations & Decision Authorities


MDAP and Special Interest Designations & Decision Authorities



Funding Level

Information & Reporting









ACAT ID Special Interest


Less than MDAP

Less or equal to MDAP

ACAT IC Special Interest


Less than MDAP

Less or equal to MDAP

10.14.2. Major Automated Information System (MAIS) or Special Interest Programs

If an Automated Information System (AIS) program meets one of the dollar thresholds for it to be designated a MAIS, then the program is automatically a MAIS program. If an Acquisition Information System (AIS) program falls below the MAIS dollar thresholds, the Defense Acquisition Executive (DAE) may still designate the program a MAIS program if he or she deems that oversight with statutory reporting is needed. A MAIS program is designated ACAT IA and the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) is the Defense Acquisition Executive (DAE) or the person within OSD to whom the DAE delegates MDA. If the MDA remains within OSD (with the DAE or delegated MDA within OSD), the program is an ACAT IAM program. If MDA is delegated to the Component Head or CAE, then the program is an ACAT IAC program. A MAIS program must meet all statutory reporting requirements for MAIS programs.

If the DAE desires oversight of an AIS program, but deems that the statutory reporting associated with MAIS programs is not needed, the program is designated a "Special Interest" program. If MDA remains within OSD (DAE or DAE delegated MDA within OSD), the program is an ACAT IAM Special Interest program. If MDA is delegated by the DAE to the Component Head or CAE, then the program is an ACAT IAC Special Interest program.

For such Special Interest programs, the reporting requirements are tailored to meet the specific oversight needs and must be captured in an Acquisition Decision Memorandum.

Table 10.14.2.T1 – MAIS & Special Interest Designations & Decision Authorities

MAIS and Special Interest Designations and Decision Authorities



Funding Level

Information & Reporting









ACAT IAM Special Interest


Less than MAIS

Less or equal to MAIS

ACAT IAC Special Interest


Less than MAIS

Less or equal to MAIS

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