FAR -- Part 6 Competition Requirements

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FAR -- Part 6
Competition Requirements

(FAC 2005-86)
(31 December 2015)

6.000 -- Scope of Part.

This part prescribes policies and procedures to promote full and open competition in the acquisition process and to provide for full and open competition, full and open competition after exclusion of sources, other than full and open competition, and advocates for competition. This part does not deal with the results of competition (e.g., adequate price competition), which are addressed in other parts (e.g., Part 15).

6.001 -- Applicability.

This part applies to all acquisitions except --

(a) Contracts awarded using the simplified acquisition procedures of Part 13 (but see 13.501 for requirements pertaining to sole source acquisitions of commercial items under Subpart 13.5);

(b) Contracts awarded using contracting procedures (other than those addressed in this part) that are expressly authorized by statute;

(c) Contract modifications, including the exercise of priced options that were evaluated as part of the initial competition (see 17.207(f)), that are within the scope and under the terms of an existing contract;

(d) Orders placed under requirements contracts or definite-quantity contracts;

(e) Orders placed under indefinite-quantity contracts that were entered into pursuant to this part when --

(f) Orders placed against task order and delivery order contracts entered into pursuant to Subpart 16.5.

6.002 -- Limitations.

No agency shall contract for supplies or services from another agency for the purpose of avoiding the requirements of this part.

6.003 – [Reserved].

Subpart 6.1 -- Full and Open Competition

6.100 -- Scope of Subpart.

This subpart prescribes the policy and procedures that are to be used to promote and provide for full and open competition.

6.101 -- Policy.

(a) 10 U.S.C. 2304 and 41 U.S.C. 3301 require, with certain limited exceptions (see Subparts 6.2 and 6.3), that contracting officers shall promote and provide for full and open competition in soliciting offers and awarding Government contracts.

(b) Contracting officers shall provide for full and open competition through use of the competitive procedure(s) contained in this subpart that are best suited to the circumstances of the contract action and consistent with the need to fulfill the Government’s requirements efficiently (10 U.S.C. 2304 and 41 U.S.C. 3301).

6.102 -- Use of Competitive Procedures.

The competitive procedures available for use in fulfilling the requirement for full and open competition are as follows:

(a) Sealed bids. (See 6.401(a).)

(b) Competitive proposals. (See 6.401(b).) If sealed bids are not appropriate under paragraph (a) of this section, contracting officers shall request competitive proposals or use the other competitive procedures under paragraph (c) or (d) of this section.

(c) Combination of competitive procedures. If sealed bids are not appropriate, contracting officers may use any combination of competitive procedures (e.g., two-step sealed bidding).

(d) Other competitive procedures.

Subpart 6.2 -- Full and Open Competition After Exclusion of Sources

6.200 -- Scope of Subpart.

This subpart prescribes policy and procedures for providing for full and open competition after excluding one or more sources.

6.201 -- Policy.

Acquisitions made under this subpart require use of the competitive procedures prescribed in 6.102.

6.202 -- Establishing or Maintaining Alternative Sources.

(a) Agencies may exclude a particular source from a contract action in order to establish or maintain an alternative source or sources for the supplies or services being acquired if the agency head determines that to do so would --


6.203 -- Set-Asides for Small Business Concerns.

(a) To fulfill the statutory requirements relating to small business concerns, contracting officers may set aside solicitations to allow only such business concerns to compete. This includes contract actions conducted under the Small Business Innovation Research Program established under Pub. L. 97-219.

(b) No separate justification or determination and findings is required under this part to set aside a contract action for small business concerns.

(c) Subpart 19.5 prescribes policies and procedures that shall be followed with respect to set-asides.

6.204 -- Section 8(a) Competition.

(a) To fulfill statutory requirements relating to section 8(a) of the Small Business Act, as amended by Pub. L. 100-656, contracting officers may limit competition to eligible 8(a) contractors (see Subpart 19.8).

(b) No separate justification or determination and findings is required under this part to limit competition to eligible 8(a) contractors. (But see 6.302-5 and 6.303-1 for sole source 8(a) awards over $22 million.)

6.205 – Set-asides for HUBZone Small Business Concerns.

(a) To fulfill the statutory requirements relating to the HUBZone Act of 1997 (15 U.S.C. 631 note), contracting officers in participating agencies (see 19.1302) may set aside solicitations to allow only qualified HUBZone small business concerns to compete (see 19.1305).

(b) No separate justification or determination and findings is required under this part to set aside a contract action for qualified HUBZone small business concerns.

6.206 – Set-asides for Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Concerns.

(a) To fulfill the statutory requirements relating to the Veterans Benefits Act of 2003 (15 U.S.C. 657f), contracting officers may set-aside solicitations to allow only service-disabled veteran-owned small business concerns to compete (see 19.1405).

(b) No separate justification or determination and findings are required under this part to set aside a contract action for service-disabled veteran-owned small business concerns.

6.207 Set-asides for Economically Disadvantaged Women-owned Small Business (EDWOSB) Concerns or Women-owned Small Business (WOSB) Concerns Eligible Under the WOSB Program.

(a) To fulfill the statutory requirements relating to 15 U.S.C. 637(m), contracting officers may set aside solicitations for only EDWOSB concerns or WOSB concerns eligible under the WOSB Program (see 19.1505).

(b) No separate justification or determination and findings is required under this part to set aside a contract action for EDWOSB concerns or WOSB concerns eligible under the WOSB Program.

6.208 -- Set-asides for Local Firms During a Major Disaster or Emergency.

(a) To fulfill the statutory requirements relating to 42 U.S.C. 5150, contracting officers may set aside solicitations to allow only offerors residing or doing business primarily in the area affected by such major disaster or emergency to compete (see Subpart 26.2).

(b) No separate justification or determination and findings is required under this part to set aside a contract action. The set-aside area specified by the contracting officer shall be a geographic area within the area identified in a Presidential declaration(s) of major disaster or emergency and any additional geographic areas identified by the Department of Homeland Security.

Subpart 6.3 -- Other Than Full and Open Competition

6.300 -- Scope of Subpart.

This subpart prescribes policies and procedures, and identifies the statutory authorities, for contracting without providing for full and open competition.

6.301 -- Policy.

(a) 41 U.S.C. 3304 and 10 U.S.C. 2304(c) each authorize, under certain conditions, contracting without providing for full and open competition. The Department of Defense, Coast Guard, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration are subject to 10 U.S.C. 2304(c). Other executive agencies are subject to 41 U.S.C. 253(c). Contracting without providing for full and open competition or full and open competition after exclusion of sources is a violation of statute, unless permitted by one of the exceptions in 6.302.

(b) Each contract awarded without providing for full and open competition shall contain a reference to the specific authority under which it was so awarded. Contracting officers shall use the U.S. Code citation applicable to their agency (see 6.302).

(c) Contracting without providing for full and open competition shall not be justified on the basis of --

(d) When not providing for full and open competition, the contracting officer shall solicit offers from as many potential sources as is practicable under the circumstances.

(e) For contracts under this subpart, the contracting officer shall use the contracting procedures prescribed in 6.102(a) or (b), if appropriate, or any other procedures authorized by this regulation.

6.302 -- Circumstances Permitting Other Than Full and Open Competition.

The following statutory authorities (including applications and limitations) permit contracting without providing for full and open competition. Requirements for justifications to support the use of these authorities are in 6.303.

6.302-1 -- Only One Responsible Source and No Other Supplies or Services Will Satisfy Agency Requirements.

(a) Authority.

(b) Application. This authority shall be used, if appropriate, in preference to the authority in 6.302-7; it shall not be used when any of the other circumstances is applicable. Use of this authority may be appropriate in situations such as the following (these examples are not intended to be all inclusive and do not constitute authority in and of themselves):

(c) Application for brand name descriptions.

(d) Limitations.

6.302-2 -- Unusual and Compelling Urgency.

(a) Authority.

(b) Application. This authority applies in those situations where

(c) Limitations.

(d) Period of Performance.

6.302-3 -- Industrial Mobilization; Engineering, Developmental, or Research Capability; or Expert Services.

(a) Authority.

(b) Application.

(c) Limitations. Contracts awarded using this authority shall be supported by the written justifications and approvals described in 6.303 and 6.304.

6.302-4 -- International Agreement.

(a) Authority.

(b) Application. This authority may be used in circumstances such as --

(c) Limitations. Except for DoD, NASA, and the Coast Guard, contracts awarded using this authority shall be supported by written justifications and approvals described in 6.303 and 6.304.

6.302-5 -- Authorized or Required by Statute.

(a) Authority.

(b) Application. This authority may be used when statutes, such as the following, expressly authorize or require that acquisition be made from a specified source or through another agency:

(c) Limitations.

6.302-6 -- National Security.

(a) Authority.

(b) Application. This authority may be used for any acquisition when disclosure of the Government’s needs would compromise the national security (e.g., would violate security requirements); it shall not be used merely because the acquisition is classified, or merely because access to classified matter will be necessary to submit a proposal or to perform the contract.

(c) Limitations.

6.302-7 -- Public Interest.

(a) Authority.

(b) Application. This authority may be used when none of the other authorities in 6.302 apply.

(c) Limitations.

6.303 -- Justifications.

6.303-1 -- Requirements.

(a) A contracting officer shall not commence negotiations for a sole source contract, commence negotiations for a contract resulting from an unsolicited proposal, or award any other contract without providing for full and open competition unless the contracting officer --

(b) The contracting officer shall not award a sole-source contract under the 8(a) authority (15 U.S.C. 637(a)) for an amount exceeding $22 million unless--

(c) Technical and requirements personnel are responsible for providing and certifying as accurate and complete necessary data to support their recommendation for other than full and open competition.

(d) Justifications required by paragraph (a) above may be made on an individual or class basis. Any justification for contracts awarded under the authority of 6.302-7 shall only be made on an individual basis. Whenever a justification is made and approved on a class basis, the contracting officer must ensure that each contract action taken pursuant to the authority of the class justification and approval is within the scope of the class justification and approval and shall document the contract file for each contract action accordingly.

(e) The justifications for contracts awarded under the authority cited in 6.302-2 may be prepared and approved within a reasonable time after contract award when preparation and approval prior to award would unreasonably delay the acquisitions.

6.303-2 -- Content.

(a) Each justification shall contain sufficient facts and rationale to justify the use of the specific authority cited.

(b) As a minimum, each justification, except those for sole-source 8(a) contracts over $22 million (see paragraph (d) of this section), shall include the following information:

(c) Each justification shall include evidence that any supporting data that is the responsibility of technical or requirements personnel (e.g., verifying the Government’s minimum needs or schedule requirements or other rationale for other than full and open competition) and which form a basis for the justification have been certified as complete and accurate by the technical or requirements personnel.

(d) As a minimum, each justification for a sole-source 8(a) contract over $22 million shall include the following information:

6.304 -- Approval of the Justification.

(a) Except for paragraph (b) of this section, the justification for other than full and open competition shall be approved in writing --

(b) Any justification for a contract awarded under the authority of 6.302-7, regardless of dollar amount, shall be considered approved when the determination required by 6.302-7(c)(1) is made.

(c) A class justification for other than full and open competition shall be approved in writing in accordance with agency procedures. The approval level shall be determined by the estimated total value of the class.

(d) The estimated dollar value of all options shall be included in determining the approval level of a justification.

6.305 -- Availability of the Justification.

(a) The agency shall make publicly available the justification required by 6.303-1 as required by 10 U.S.C. 2304(1) and 41 U.S.C. 3304(f). Except for the circumstances in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, the justification shall be made publicly available within 14 days after contract award.

(b) In the case of a contract award permitted under 6.302-2, the justification shall be posted within 30 days after contract award.

(c) In the case of a brand name justification under 6.302-1(c), the justification shall be posted with the solicitation (see 5.102(a)(6)).

(d) The justifications shall be made publicly available—

(e) Contracting officers shall carefully screen all justifications for contractor proprietary data and remove all such data, and such references and citations as are necessary to protect the proprietary data, before making the justifications available for public inspection. Contracting officers shall also be guided by the exemptions to disclosure of information contained in the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C.552) and the prohibitions against disclosure in 24.202 in determining whether the justification, or portions of it, are exempt from posting. Although the submitter notice process set out in EO 12600, entitled “Predisclosure Notification Procedures for Confidential Commercial Information,” does not apply, if the justification appears to contain proprietary data, the contracting officer should provide the contractor that submitted the information an opportunity to review the justification for proprietary data, before making the justification available for public inspection, redacted as necessary. This process must not prevent or delay the posting of the justification in accordance with the timeframes required in paragraphs (a) through (c).

(f) The requirements of paragraphs (a) through (d) do not apply if posting the justification would disclose the executive agency’s needs and disclosure of such needs would compromise national security or create other security risks.

Subpart 6.4 -- Sealed Bidding and Competitive Proposals

6.401 -- Sealed Bidding and Competitive Proposals.

Sealed bidding and competitive proposals, as described in Parts 14 and 15, are both acceptable procedures for use under Subparts 6.1, 6.2; and, when appropriate, under Subpart 6.3.

(a) Sealed bids. (See Part 14 for procedures.) Contracting officers shall solicit sealed bids if --

(b) Competitive proposals. (See Part 15 for procedures.)

Subpart 6.5 – Advocates for Competition

6.501 -- Requirement.

As required by 41 U.S.C. 1705, the head of each executive agency shall designate an advocate for competition for the agency and for each procuring activity of the agency. The advocates for competition shall--

(a) Be in positions other than that of the agency senior procurement executive;

(b) Not be assigned any duties or responsibilities that are inconsistent with 6.502 below; and

(c) Be provided with staff or assistance (e.g., specialists in engineering, technical operations, contract administration, financial management, supply management, and utilization of small business concerns), as may be necessary to carry out the advocate’s duties and responsibilities.

6.502 -- Duties and Responsibilities.

(a) Agency and procuring activity advocates for competition are responsible for promoting the acquisition of commercial items, promoting full and open competition, challenging requirements that are not stated in terms of functions to be performed, performance required or essential physical characteristics, and challenging barriers to the acquisition of commercial items and full and open competition such as unnecessarily restrictive statements of work, unnecessarily detailed specifications, and unnecessarily burdensome contract clauses.

(b) Agency advocates for competition shall—

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