reach range diagram (based on da Vinci sketch)The Board’s research program is focused on the study of accessibility relating to architecture and design, communication, and transportation.  A key mission of the Board is developing and maintaining accessibility guidelines and standards under several different laws, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  This includes design requirements for facilities in the private and public sectors, transportation vehicles, telecommunications equipment, and Federal electronic and information technology.  Most Board research projects are designed to develop information for its use in writing or updating these design criteria.  The Board may fund the development of technical assistance and training materials useful to its audience, including designers, specifiers, and consumers.  However, research reports and guidance materials on this page were prepared under contract to the Access Board by independent contractors.  As such, they represent the analysis and views of the contractors only and are not a statement of Access Board policy or position.

The Board welcomes information on research initiatives related to accessibility and accessible design.  The Board maintains a strong interest in coordinating research with other entities and in exploring potential partnerships.  For more information about the Board’s research program, contact Marsha Mazz, Director of the Office of Technical and Information Services, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..