Anne Connell

Assistant Director, Women and Foreign Policy Program

Contact Info:


Selected Publications:

"Five Questions About Adolescent Girls in Complex Emergencies," Women Around the World, November 2016.

"Sixteen Years After the Adoption of UNSCR 1325," Women Around the World, October 2016.

"International Day of the Girl Child," Women Around the World, October 2016.

"Global Progress Toward Gender Equality,"Women Around the World, March 2016.

"Five Questions About Germany's Refugee Crisis," Women Around the World, March 2016.

"Joachim Gauck: Obama's German Interpreter," Bertelsmann Foundation, October 2015.

"Inclusive Security in Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations: An analysis of UNSCR 1325 as a tool to strengthen women’s participation," Harvard Kennedy School Review, 2015.

"The Empty Pledge for Gaza," The Hill, October 2014.