Benefits of Publishing with AMS

The American Meteorological Society (AMS) publishes the world’s premier journals covering research, technologies, applications, and services in the atmospheric, oceanic, and hydrologic sciences. 

AMS Books specializes in publishing weather, water, and climate primers, histories, biographies, and guides for all levels of readers, from enthusiasts, to students, to experts.

Consistently High Thompson ISI Impact Factor® Rankings

In the most recent rankings, 4 of the top-10 ranked journals (and 6 of the top 20) in the categories of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, and Oceanography, were AMS titles. AMS strives to provide the most respected and impactful journals for you to publish your work in.  

Rapid Production Times

Production time is defined as the number of days between editor acceptance of a paper following peer review and the final publication of the article online.

Average production time per article is now around 80 days, a decrease of over 42% over the past two years. AMS continues to leverage technology and workflow efficiencies to ensure that your research results are published as rapidly as possible.

Top Editors and Professional Staff

The editorial board of each AMS journal is made up of the top scientists in the fields covered by that journal, who oversee the stringent peer-review process for every article published. The professional AMS journals peer-review and production support staff, and the AMS Books staff, are committed to helping authors throughout the publication process to ensure their publishing experience is smooth, efficient, and friendly.

Improved Journals Online Website and No Color Fees

Authors and readers can now experience an enhanced, up-to-date. and easier-to-read journals online website. And there are no color fees for authors who pay the page charges in full.

Publishing with AMS Books

♦Authority of a nearly 100-year-old publishing tradition ♦ Expert editorial direction by AMS publications staff ♦ Connection to readers via AMS Membership, Meetings, and BAMS ♦ Promotion throughout the vast weather, water, and climate community ♦ Worldwide distribution in print and electronic formats♦

How to Submit Your Work

Having your work published with AMS gives you wide exposure to the scientific community as well as the credibility of publishing with the leading journal publisher in the atmospheric, oceanic, and hydrologic sciecnes and a related fields.

Journal and BAMS Author Instructions

Book Authors