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FY 2001 Budget in Brief

Table of Contents

  1. Foreword

  2. Departmental Overview

The Numbers
Major Initiatives in the 2000
  1. Departmental Highlights

Promoting Safer Schools in Indian Country
Protecting Indian Communities
Improving Trust Management
Providing Safe Housing
Improving Educational Programs for At-Risk Indian Children
Implementing Management and Administrative Improvements
Rock Boy's Reservation Indian Water Rights Settlement (Montana)
Federal Lands Acquisition: Protecting Natural Treasures and the Next Great Places
     -California Desert
     -Civil War Battlefields
     -Lewis and Clark
     -Lower Mississippi Delta
     -New Jersey - New York Watershed
     -Chesapeake Bay Watershed
     -Southern California
     -Other Federal Land Acquisition Priorities
Helping States and Communities Preserve Green Spaces, Habitat, and Species
     -State Conservation Grants
     -Urban Parks and Recreation Recovery Program
     -State Non-Game Wildlife Grants
     -Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund
     -North American Wetlands Conservation Fund
     -State Planning Partnerships
Protection and Restoration of Public Lands
     -Protection of BLM Designated Areas
     -Land Use Planning for Sustainable Resource Decisions
     -Restoration of Threatened Watersheds
Restoring Damaged Lands and Resources
Protecting and Sustaining the Natural Resource Legacy of Parks
Rebuilding Wildlife Resources
Department-Wide Programs to Foster Restoration
     -Using Science for Good Stewardship
     -Using Science for Hazard Warnings
     -Youth Conservation Corps
     -Recreational Fee Demonstration Program
     -Partnerships Work to Restore Ecosystems
     -California Bay-Delta
     -Safe Visits to Public Lands
     -Maintenance and Construction Funding Needs
     -Facilities maintained by the Department of the Interior
Partnering for ESA Conservation
Law Enforcement to Support Species Restoration
Rebuilding Wildlife and Fisheries Resources
Anadromous Fish Research and Restoration
Coral Reefs
Invasive Species
Alaska Subsistence Fisheries

  1. Bureau Highlights

  1. Appendices