National Coalition of Homeless Veterans
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2017 NCHV Annual Conference - Yes, In My Back Yard: Putting Veterans First Become an NCHV Member today United States Department of Labor, Homeless Veterans' Reintegration Program, Technical Assistance Center Background and Statistics
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NCHV will end homelessness among veterans by shaping public policy, promoting collaboration, and building the capacity of service providers.

CFC #50917

You have helped reduce veteran homelessness by 70% since 2005.


Hill Watch: Trump Administration Releases “Skinny Budget” for 2018

March 16, 2017

This week, the Trump Administration released the first federal budget request of his presidency. For any administration a president’s budget proposal is a document that lays out that administration’s priorities for federal spending. This proposed budget is...continue

TODAY ONLY 5% Donation from Amazon to NCHV when You Shop AmazonSmile

March 16, 2017

When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to National Coalition for Homeless Veterans. TODAY ONLY, Amazon is donating 5% of the purchase price. Bookmark the link and support us every time you...continue

VA Partnership Provides Community Organizations with Path to Support Homeless Veterans

March 10, 2017

Military Outreach USA, a partner of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), recently launched a program to encourage communities to connect with local VA facilities and help VA provide support to homeless or recently homeless veterans and...continue


Stand Down Funding Available From Department of Labor

Applications must be approved in early September

Since the first event in San Diego in 1988, Stand Downs have connected homeless veterans with meaningful services and community support. Based on the philosophy of a “hand up, not a hand out”, the heart of the Stand Down is providing...continue

Top Picks of the Week

Feb. 16, 2017

The Ann E. Talcott Fund's mission is to provide grants to organizations operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, literary or educational purposes with paramount consideration given to organizations aiding the poor. The Fund focuses its giving to organizations serving people in New Jersey....continue


New from the TA Center

The TA Center is always working to develop new products and resources. Highlights of recent projects include the following:

Research Roundup: The Financial Impact of Military Service

Spotlight on Service Case Studies

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