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I have a technical issue with HUD Exchange or have feedback to share

**Please note that this form is for technical issues and/or feedback specifically with the HUD Exchange website. If you have an issue or question concerning a HUD policy, program, or reporting system, please submit it to Ask A Question by clicking on the 3rd menu item at the top of this page.

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I have a question about HUD policy, programs, or reporting systems

For questions about the following areas, please submit your inquiry to Ask A Question:


  • BRAC: Base Realignment and Closure
  • CoC: Continuum of Care Program
  • ESG: Emergency Solutions Grants
  • HOPWA: Housing Opportunities for Persons With Aids
  • HUD-VASH: HUD-VA Supportive Housing
  • Legacy Homeless Programs (S+C, SHP, SRO)
  • NSP: Neighborhood Stabilization Program
  • Title V


  • DRGR: Disaster Recovery Grant Reporting System
  • eCon Planning Suite
  • e-snaps
  • HDX: Homelessness Data Exchange
  • HMIS: Homeless Management Information Systems
  • IDIS: Integrated Disbursement and Information System

Crosscutting Topics

  • AFFH: Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing
  • HEROS: HUD Environmental Review Online System
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