U.S. Department of the Interior

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For More Information:

Karen Smalls
(202) 208-0871

Contact OSMRE


National Technical Training Program (NTTP)

The Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) established the National Technical Training Program (NTTP) in 1985, recognizing the need for an ongoing educational program to increase the technical competence and professionalism of Federal, State, and Tribal personnel located in Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA) agencies. The program delivers training related to permit approval, bond release, reclamation, and enforcement through a collaborative effort by OSMRE, State and Tribal instructors. The training serves to build and update technical expertise and fosters consistent application of standards. Training is provided in each of the disciplines involved in implementation of SMCRA, which include aquatic biology, geology, engineering, hydrology, blasting, agronomy, and botany.

Courses Available

(Click on arrow to view table)

  • Courses Offered by NTTP

    • Course NameLength
      Acid-Forming Materials: Fundamentals and Applications 4 days
      Acid-Forming Materials: Soils and Overburden 4 days
      ML Design Workshop: Dangerous Highwalls 4 days
      AML Design Workshop: Dangerous Openings 4 days
      AML Design Workshop: Fires 4 days
      AML Design Workshop: Landslides 4 days
      AML Design Workshop: Subsidence 4 days
      AML Drilling and Grouting 4 days
      AML Reclamation Projects 3 1/2 days
      Applied Engineering Principles 4 days
      Blasting and Inspection 3 days
      Advanced Blasting: Investigation and Analysis of Adverse Effects 3 1/2 days
      Bonding Workshop: Cost Estimation 3 days
      Coalield Communications: How to Get It Right! 3 days
      Enforcement Procedures 3 days
      Enforcement Tools and Applications 2 days
      Erosion and Sediment Control 3 days
      Evidence Preparation and Testimony 3 days
      Excess Spoil Handling and Disposal in Steep-Slope Topography 2 1/2 days
      Expert Witness 3 days
      Forensic Hydrologic Investigation 3 1/2 days
      Geology and Geochemistry of Acid-Forming Materials 4 days
      Historical and Archaeological Resources 3 days
      Instructor Training Course 5 days
      Master Instructor Forum 2 1/2 days
      Mine Gas Safety and Investigation Course 2 days
      NEPA Procedures 3 days
      Passive Treatment: Theory and Application Workshop 3 1/2 days
      Permit Findings Workshop 2 days
      Permitting Hydrology 3 1/2 days
      Principles of Inspection 3 1/2 days
      Quantitative Hydrogeology 3 1/2 days
      Soils and Revegetation 4 days
      Subsidence 3 days
      Surface and Groundwater Hydrology 3 1/2 days
      SMCRA: Permitting and the Endangered Species Act: Implementation of the 1996 Biological Opinion 3 days
      SMCRA Principles and Field Procedures 8 1/2 days
      Underground Mining Technology 4 days
      Wetlands Awareness 2 1/2 days

NTTP Training Schedule

The classes being offered are based on customer needs that have been surveyed from our OSMRE, State and Tribal offices. We do not offer all of our courses in a given year due to funding considerations, instructor availability and the lack of spaces requested in that particular class. Prior to selecting a class, we encourage you to look at the course description in the National Technical Training Program and Technical Innovation and Professional Services Catalog and the Career Series Guide to see if this class is right for your needs. Please note each class listed on our schedule has a coordinator assigned to them. These are the people to contact concerning that particular session.

FY 2017 Training Schedules

How Do We Develop Our Schedule and Assign Spaces?

Each spring, OSMRE conducts a Training Needs Survey for the upcoming fiscal year (October - September) to determine the training needs of the around 2,000 OSMRE, State and Tribal regulatory and reclamation staff. NTTP analyzes the survey results to determine if there is sufficient interest to justify offering a course and if so the number of sessions to hold. The number of requests for courses usually exceeds the number of available spaces by 55-60 percent, therefore NTTP assign spaces in the classes instead of allowing those who register first in DOI Learn to have a guaranteed space. This allows us to allocate at least one space to an office when they have a mission critical need for training in our classes. In the fall, the allocations are sent to your designated Training Contact. Please contact your Training Contact if you are interested in attending our classes.  If you do not know who your training contact is, please contact us at (202) 208-2769 and we will refer you to the appropriate person.

Enroll in a Class

SMCRA-related State and Tribal agencies: Each office has a designated training contact who works with OSMRE to enroll you in NTTP classes. If you do not know who that person is, please contact us at (202) 208-2769 and we will refer you to the appropriate person.

OSMRE offices: Employees must go to DOI Learn to register for our classes. You will need to also contact your designated training contact who will assist you in submitting the necessary paperwork to attend our classes.

Non-SMCRA agencies: Please look over the course offerings and the schedule and contact the coordinator assigned to that particular class. If there is extra space available in a class, you may be able to attend. OSMRE is not authorized to pay your travel costs associated with attending our classes.

Page Last Modified/Reviewed: 12/15/16

Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, 1951 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20240
(202) 208-2565 | TTY: (202) 208-2694 | Email:

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