Outside In

There's a popular notion that you can change from the outside in, that if you just assume the pose, inner transformation follows. Hanna Rosin and guest producers examine to what extent this is true.

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Power Pose. Fake it til you make it. There's a popular notion out there that you can change from the outside in, that if you just assume the pose, inner transformation will follow. We examine to what extent this is true, by following the first all-female debate team in Rwanda, a country that legislated gender equality. We also see how an app reshaped the relationship of twin sisters. And we end our season on the beach, with a man whose life was transformed by a Seagull named Mac Daddy.

Bonus Content:

NPR's health blog, Shots, will be producing special bonus content that explores the theme of each Invisibilia episode. The links below will go live as each feature is published or sign up for our newsletter to get it all delivered to your inbox on Mondays!

This week, we look at a warmer, fuzzier way for people with diabetes to monitor blood sugar – a trained diabetes alert dog. The dogs have become increasingly popular, and it looks like they're definitely detecting something. But what? Scientists are trying to find out. And we ask a law professor if all those apps we love are keeping close tabs on our medical privacy. He says, um, no.

Our friends at SkunkBear, the NPR Science Desk Tumblr, meet Jim Verhagen and his cast of avian celebrities. Then they hit the road, to follow Baltimore the snowy owl on his migration north and see how his life touches ours and that of many other humans.

And over at the NPR global health blog, Goats and Soda, Gregory Warner visits the first all-female debate team in Rwanda to explore how they harnessed their inner power to defy all expectations.

What Does Feminism Mean In Your Country?

What does feminism mean in a country like Rwanda, where women have been given public power but still face obstacles to equality in many arenas, from school to the home front? We'll be running a sampling of responses from respondents around the world, then inviting our audience to share theirs for a post that will publish next week.

Previous Shows

Flip the Script

In this episode we look at situations where someone flips the script – does the opposite of what their natural instinct is – and in this way, transforms a situation.

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Kristen Uroda for NPR