Notes from the Field

NASA scientists are in the field and write home to tell about it.

Zen and the Art of Wirewalker Maintenance

Microbes Run the Show

Hugo Berthelot, biogeochemical oceanographer, is studying phytoplankton organisms and the biochemical processes they take part in. read more

Science Challenges at Sea: A Plumbing Story

Particles, Holograms, and the iPhone 5: My Top Three Activities During the Sea to Space Particle Investigation

Earth Matters

Earth is an amazing planet, and the one that matters most to us. Let’s have a conversation about it.

A Shape-Shifting Volcanic Island

The eruption of Alaska's Bogoslof volcano has changed the island's size and shape. read more

In Coastal Peru, Fog Begets Life

Have Your Satellite Imagery and Eat It, Too!

Study: Major Middle East Dust Storm in 2015 Was Due to the Weather, Not Human Conflict

A new analysis of satellite suggests the key causes of a major dust storm in 2015 were climate and weather conditions — not the war in Syria. read more

Something Swirling in the Sea

Milky blue swirls in the Bering Sea stem from Alaska's Bogoslof Island, which has been erupting since mid-December 2016. read more

Waiter, There’s Salt in My Lake

An Astronaut and a Gentleman

I came to know Piers Sellers mostly through his words and in the ways he inspired people. The more I read, the more I wish I had been able to spend more time with him. read more

Climate Q&A

Myths, misunderstandings, and frequently asked questions about climate.

Elegant Figures

On data visualization and information design on the Earth Observatory.