Department of State Organization Chart (text only): May 2012


The organization chart shows offices and bureaus in cells connected by lines showing what office or bureau reports to what entity (Assistant Secretary, Under Secretary, Deputy Secretary, or Secretary. In parentheses following the name of the office or bureau is its acronym and where applicable, the title of the person who heads the bureau or office. The HTML version of the chart has links from each cell to the appropriate bureau or office web page, if there is one. Each of those links are reproduced in this text version.

Note that not all offices reporting to Under Secretaries or Assistant Secretaries are shown in the organization chart. Those that are not shown in the chart are not listed here. For more information, please refer to the Organizational List of Bureaus and Offices. Refer to the State Department phone book to contact those bureaus and offices.

The depicts the Department's organization as follows:

Top center of the page: Secretary of State (S)

To the left of and connected to the Secretary is the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), headed by an Administrator.

Also to the left of and connected to the Secretary is the United States Mission to the United Nations (USUN).

To the right, connected line to the Secretary is the Counselor and Chief of Staff (S/COS).

Directly below and connected to the Secretary are the Deputy Secretary of State D(B) and the Deputy Secretary of State D(N).

Directly below the Deputy Secretaries connected to the Secretary is the Executive Secretariat (S/ES), headed by the Executive Secretary.  Directly below Deputy Secretary D(N) is the Office of U.S. Foreign Assistance (F) headed by the Director.

Below the Executive Secretariat are the six Under Secretaries. They are from left to right:
Under Secretary for Political Affairs (P).
Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy and Environment (E).
Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security Affairs (T).
Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs (R).
Under Secretary for Management (M).
Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy and Human Rights (J).

Bureaus and offices reporting to each Under Secretary are shown below each one, and connected by a line.

Reporting to the Under Secretary for Political Affairs are the following bureaus:
African Affairs (AF); Assistant Secretary.
European and Eurasian Affairs (EUR); Assistant Secretary.
East Asian and Pacific Affairs (EAP); Assistant Secretary.
Near Eastern Affairs (NEA); Assistant Secretary.
South and Central Asian Affairs (SCA); Assistant Secretary.
Western Hemisphere Affairs (WHA); Assistant Secretary.
International Organizations (IO); Assistant Secretary.

Reporting to the Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy and Environment are the following bureaus:
Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs (EB), headed by an Assistant Secretary.
Energy Resources (ENR), headed by an Assistant Secretary
Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES); Assistant Secretary.
Office of the Chief Economist (OCE)

Reporting to the Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security Affairs are the following bureaus:
Arms Control, Verification and Compliance (AVC); Assistant Secretary.
International Security and Nonproliferation (ISN); Assistant Secretary.
Political-Military Affairs (PM); Assistant Secretary.

Reporting to the Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs are the following bureaus:
Education and Cultural Affairs (ECA); Assistant Secretary.
International Information Programs (IIP); Coordinator
Public Affairs (PA); Assistant Secretary.

Reporting to the Under Secretary for Management are the following bureaus and offices:
Administration (A); Assistant Secretary.
Budget and Planning (BP); Director
Consular Affairs (CA); Assistant Secretary.
Diplomatic Security and Foreign Missions (DS); Assistant Secretary.
Foreign Service Institute (FSI); Director.
Comptroller, Global Financial Services (CGFS); Director.
Human Resources (HR); Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Human Resources.
Information Resource Management (IRM); Chief Information Officer.
Office of Medical Services (MED); Director.
Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO); Director.
Office of Management Policy, Rightsizing and Innovation (M/PRI); Director.

Reporting to the Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy and Human Rights are the following bureaus:
Conflict & Stabilization Operations (CSO); Assistant Secretary.
Counterterrorism (CT); Coordinator and Ambassador-at-Large.
Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL); Assistant Secretary.
International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL); Assistant Secretary.
Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM); Assistant Secretary.
Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Person (TIP); Ambassador-at-Large.
Office of Global Criminal Justice (GCJ); Ambassador-at-Large.

Shown at the bottom of the organization chart but connected directly to the Secretary are the following bureaus and offices:
Intelligence and Research (INR); Assistant Secretary.
Legislative Affairs (H); Assistant Secretary.
Office of the Legal Adviser (L); Legal Adviser.
Office of Inspector General (OIG); Inspector General.
Office of Policy Planning Staff (S/P); Director.
Office of the Chief of Protocol (S/CPR); Ambassador.
Office of Civil Rights (S/OCR); Director.
Office of Global Women's Issues (S/GWI); Ambassador-at-Large.
Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator (S/GAC); Ambassador-at-Large.
Special Envoys and Special Representatives.

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