Missouri Census Data Center
Quick Links
ACS Profile Reports
ACS Profile extract app
ACS Trends Reports

SF1 2010 Census Profile
SF1 Data extract app

Circular Area Profiles (2010 census data)

Population Trend Reports
Pop Estimates by Age

MO County Data Map
Applinks Master Menu

MABLE/Geocorr 2014
Geographic Codes Lookup

  SF3 Profiles (2000)
SF3 Trend Reports

Site Map
Major update, Nov, 2016

Note: Most section headers on this page are also links to major topic pages.

Many of these links also occur in the Navy Blue Navigation and Quick Links boxes which appear on this and most other MCDC pages.

Home Page

  • MCDC Home page has varying "down the middle" content that we try to refresh at least once a quarter. The articles appearing on the home page usually are based upon some recently-released data and/or resources for accessing and processing those data. The home page also conforms to our standard page layout with the two critical navigation boxes (Navy Blue Navigatipon box on the left; Quick Links on the right. This is where they usually appear, except on pages (like this one) where we sometimes place the Quick Links box on the left side, below the NBNB (Navy Blue Navigation box). The page also includes the standard MCDC footer, which starts with the This file last modified ... line and ends with our standard invitation to submit your Questions/Comments regarding this page or this site to the person responsible for maintaining the page.

  • We started keeping an archive of our home page articles in 2013. If you are looking for some material that you remember seeing on our home page (in the not-too-distant past) you can follow the link at the bottom of our home page to the oldhome directory.
What's New

  • The last thing you'll see on our home page (and the second thing in the Navy Blue Nav Box), is this:
    Additional News Regarding This Web Site
    Visit our What's New web page to see what else is new on this web site.

    This is a very important link. The What's New page for the current calendar year contains a series of short (although some are shorter than others) news articles regarding activity on our site, or occasionally related sites. Not every piece of news justifies a featured article on the home page or a posting to our listserv. So if you want to make sure that you are aware of all the activity going on at the MCDC we strongly suggest you check out the whatsnew page. We create a separate whatsnew page for each calendar year. The last thing you should see on each of these pages is a link to the whatsnew page for the previous year.

American Community Survey Population Estimates & Projections

  • Current estimates for Missouri (Excel file with multiple sheets for different levels of geography.)

  • Pop Charts. Each year in the spring the Census Bureau releases the total population latest estimates for all counties for all years since the most recent (2010) census. We prepare a set of charts for each state that provide some key summaries of these data, focusing on change in the most recent year. The link here is to the "Menu Map" for the application. You access the charts for a state by clicking within the state to "drill down" to the charts page. These pages have 4 parts: a report, a bar chart, and two choropleth maps (you have scroll down to see them all). The menu map doubles as a choropleth map showing percent change in population by county for the U.S. and has a mouse-over feature allowing the user to display the county name and the change/% change values.

  • Estimates by age - dynamic web application to get standard or custom age cohort figures (1990 to latest-available estimates at state or county level).

  • Population Trend Report is a dynamic web application that lets the user build their own custom population trend report at the county or state level for any state. New data are added each year, typically in August. Demographic detail includes the 4 basic "bridged" race catgegories, Hispanic/Non-Hispanic, and five major age groupings. It is based on the custom estimates file from the National Center for Health Statistics.

  • Reports based on the latest estimates with varying geography and demographic detail

  • Access the estimates datasets (via uexplore)

  • Projections page - mostly Missouri-only county level.

(When we say "geography" we are talking mostly about Census geography).

  • MABLE/Geocorr dynamic web application showing how geographies intersect with one another (e.g. how do ZIP codes relate to counties, or census tracts to cities, etc.) Our oldest web application, since 1996. There are now 3 versions, each of which does essentially the same kind of processing, but with different vintages of geography:

    1. Current version with vintage 2014 geography. (We try to update every two years, but cannot promise).

    2. 2000 Census version. Based on 2000 census geography but some of the other layers are from later in the decade.

    3. 1990 Census version. We continue to be amazed at how much usage this old version still gets (revised version of the original, circa 1996!).

  • MAGGOT File - Master Area Geographic Glossary of Terms (rev. 2014). Companion document with brief explanations of the geographic unit types that appear on the MABLE database.

  • Geographic codes lookup (mostly FIPS/ANSI codes - updated to reflect 2010 vintage geography and include 2010 census population figures.) This application replaces the Cure for the Common Codes resource.

  • All About Census Geography and Summary Levels . Everything you ever wanted to know, and more.

  • All about PUMAs. Public Use Microsample Areas were invented to be the geography of the PUMS microdata files, but have taken on new importance as summary units for American Community Survey data.

  • ZIP Code Resources Page(s). A user favorite for almost 20 years. All the latest stuff is contained in a 2010 supplemental page.

  • Display ZCTA master is a small web app which allows the user to enter a 5-digit ZIP code and get lots of information regarding that ZIP such as what counties, cities, metro areas, Congressional Districts, etc. it intersects with, and also some basic socio-economic measures based on recent ACS data.

  • Geographic Reference Reports. Links to a variety of useful reports.
MCDC/OSEDA Public Data Archive

Not for the casual user but without a doubt the most unique and useful feature of the MCDC site for those needing the data and who are willing and able to see how the Uexplore/Dexter access tools work. They provide access to several thousand data sets and files containing over 630 gigabytes of data and metadata.

  • Overview of the Uexplore/Dexter software system.

  • Uexplore/Dexter Tutorials. Includes links to two Dexter Quick Start Guides, one html-based and the other video-based (new, 2013). Note that there are links to these modules at the top of the Dexter query forms.

  • xsamples: annotated examples of using the Dexter software to run extractions (queries) against the data archive. Somewhat dated but still useful. Newer examples of using Dexter area contained in the many Queries subdirectories of the archive data directories. See, for example, the acs2012 Queries directory containing two sample dexer query runs.

CAPS Reports: Data Aggregated to Circular Areas

These three dynamic web applications allow the user to speficy a point location and a radius or set of radii. The applications select small-area data with centroids falling within the specified circular areas and aggregate that data to create summary results.

  • CAPS Version 10C Works with block level data from the 2010 census. (Very basic demographics only, but data are reliable).

  • CAPS - ACS Version. Works with the latest available 5-year period estimates data from the American Community Survey. Rich source of data (income, poverty, education, etc.) but uses tract level data which can sometimes have signficant sampling error.

  • Beta ACS Version Using BBIA. In this new version of the CAPS for ACS data we emply a new algorithm for determining what portion of a census tract or block group falls within the circular areas. The result is a signficant improvement in estimating the circular area.

  • Classic CAPS. This is the version that works with the long form data from the 2000 decennial census. The obvious problem is that the data are not current.

  • ALPS Product Description: ALPS is the Address List Processing System, a collection of geospatial services that the MCDC offers users with address-based data files for which they would like some standard processing done. Listed here with the CAPS applications because the primary services offered are CAPS-related, providing a way of doing Circular Area Profiles for all locations on a user's address file.


2010 Census 2000 Census 1980 and 1990 Censuses Keeping Up To Date With MCDC Resources
  • The Whatsnew page is used by the Missouri Census Data Center to post articles regarding news items related to this web site. The page encompasses the current calendar year and has links to comparable pages for previous years.

  • Subscribe to the MCDC listserv to receive announcements regarding new developments.

This file last modified Saturday November 26, 2016, 09:10:03

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The Missouri Census Data Center is a sponsored program of the Missouri State Library within the office of the Missouri Secretary of State. The MCDC has been a partner in the U.S. Census Bureau's State Data Center program since 1979.

Questions/Comments regarding this page or this web site are strongly encouraged and can be sent to