Missouri Census Data Center

Population Estimates by Age

Version 2, Rev. Oct. 27, 2012
Users needing to access more detailed crossings (such as race by sex by age) can do so using our Dexter web application to access the underlying data sets. Familiarity with Uexplore/Dexter is very helpful. A sample query file (invokes the Dexter dynamic query module with parameters already specified) has been saved showing how to get race by sex data for an age cohort for one or more states. See the Notes document for the query (which includes a link to the query module in the first line).

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Select state(s)

Specify summary unit(s)

State level summaries.     County level summaries. (You will get data for all counties in the selected states). (*)

Specify Age Detail

5-year cohorts (0 to 4, 5 to 9, ..., 85+)
5 broad cohorts (0 to 17, 18 to 24, 25 to 44, 45 to 64, 65+)
Custom cohorts - specify:   
    (See the on-line help for instructions on how to code these cohorts.)

Check here if you do NOT want to get summaries across all ages.

Select Year(s)

Note: All results will be July 1 estimates for year(s) specified, including 1990 and 2000.

Demographic Detail (variables)

Output Format(s)

Comma-delimited ascii ("csv")     HTML     SAS dataset (Windows v9)

* If needing just selected counties enter list of 5-digit county codes:


   Internal use only (ignore):

This file last modified Friday July 15, 2016, 08:22:57

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The Missouri Census Data Center is a sponsored program of the Missouri State Library within the office of the Missouri Secretary of State. The MCDC has been a partner in the U.S. Census Bureau's State Data Center program since 1979.

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