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International Services

Helping communities around the world

Helping Communities Around The World
Each year, disasters around the world devastate the lives of millions of people – with your support, the American Red Cross is taking action to help save lives:
  • Providing urgent assistance to people affected by disaster in countries across the globe;
  • Helping to vaccinate children against measles;
  • Investing in disaster preparedness, making communities less vulnerable;
  • Reconnecting families separated by international war and disaster;
  • Educating about international humanitarian law
  • Wherever We Are Needed

    Global Aid By The Numbers

    Our Services

    The family messages transmitted by the American Red Cross can be very brief, but the three short words 'I am alive' may be all that is needed to ease the minds of distraught loved ones half a world away.

    Serving Our Neighbors Across the World

    Local Priorities, Sustainable Results

    The American Red Cross is part of the world’s largest humanitarian network. Working together, we help respond to disasters, build safer communities, and educate future humanitarians.

    The Challenge

    In 2010, more than 34 million people in Africa were affected by disasters.1 Diseases also pose a major threat. Sub-Saharan Africa is the region most affected by HIV and AIDS, accounting for 70% of global AIDS deaths.2 While Africa has experienced a big decline in measles deaths due to a concerted global vaccination campaign, gaps in immunization coverage require continued engagement.
    1. World Disasters Report, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 2011.
    2. 2009 AIDS Epidemic Update, UNAIDS/WHO, 2009.

    Where We Help in Africa

    The Challenge

    Asia faces disasters of all types, including cyclones, floods, earthquakes and conflict. The region’s vulnerability is exacerbated by trends such as urbanization, environmental degradation and climate change. In 2010, more than 255 million people in Asia were affected by disasters.1 Population density amplifies the impact of any disaster and also makes infectious disease management a particular challenge. The majority of global measles deaths are now in India, and the HIV and AIDS epidemic is growing across the region, particularly among sex workers and drug users.
    1. World Disasters Report, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 2011.

    The Challenge

    Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia face disasters of all types, ranging from earthquakes and floods to droughts and conflicts. Additionally, in many countries, infectious diseases present significant public health challenges. Though measles deaths have declined significantly, continued work is required to keep the disease at bay. HIV and AIDS is a growing concern, with the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region having the world’s fastest growing HIV and AIDS epidemic.1
    1. 2009 AIDS Epidemic Update, UNAIDS/WHO, 2009.

    Where We Help in Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia

    The Challenge
    The Red Cross is working with communities across Latin America and the Caribbean to prepare for and respond to disasters and health emergencies. We help communities to build resilience against future threats—reducing their vulnerability to natural disasters and disease. Dynamic and agile, we manage long-term programs in the region and respond to unexpected emergencies as they happen.

    Where We Help in Latin America and the Caribbean

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    Support all the urgent humanitarian needs of the American Red Cross.

    $10.00 is the minimum online donation amount. All donations are tax deductible.

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