Antibiotic Resistance in Uganda
The Official launch of the Antibiotic Resistance in Uganda: situation Analysis and Recommendation.
Annual Meeting of African Academies (AMASA) which has been organized annually for the last 9 years hosted by different countries.
Hand over
UNAS founding President (Prof. P.E Mugambi) handing over to the present UNAS President (Prof. N.K Sewankambo).
garp Uganda
The Global Antibiotic Resistance Partnership (GARP) is an initiative of the Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics and Policy (CDDEP).
rasp training.
Scientific Conference
14th Annual Scientific Conference of UNAS on Energy for Development.
Fellows / Participants during the scientific conference.
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You are very welcome to the Uganda National Academy of Sciences (UNAS) website.

For the last 14 years, UNAS has provided free evidence-based and unbiased advice to multiple partners including government, civil society and the private sector. Being a membership organization, we have 62 Fellows who are top scientists in different fields. The Fellows are selected rigorously basing on their significant contribution in various fields of sciences; and they offer leadership to UNAS projects. We mainly conduct our activities through convening and consensus approaches. Our current scope of work includes governance and leadership, climate change, economic development, health, education, vaccine and vaccination, antimicrobial resistance, intimate partnership violence, and biotechnology and biosecurity.

I invite you to partner with us to improve the prosperity and well being of Ugandans through sciences. Please check out some of our publications and reports and get in touch through the contacts provided in this website. Finally, last year UNAS hosted the 10th Annual Meeting of African Science Academies (AMASA 10) on 10th to 12th November 2014 at Serena Lake Victoria Resort here in Kampala, Uganda. Your continued support and collaboration is greatly appreciated.

Prof. Nelson Sewankambo, FUNAS.

research publications

Uganda experiences high stunting (38%) and moderately high wasting (6%) rates in children under 5. The prevalence of stunting reached an alarming 48% in children between the ages of 24 and 35 months with heights that fall far enough below the normal range for their age to signal chronic under-nutrition,   More

Recent blog posts / News

  • CDDEP: The State of the world's antibiotics 2015 report:download....
  • A web-based interactive tool to explore antibiotic resistance and consumption via maps and charts:read more..
  • First Global Maps of Antibiotic Resistance Depict Dangerous Trends: Read more
  • Antibiotic Resistance in Uganda: Situational Analysis and recommendation: download report here
  • The Truth About AIDS in Uganda, A leading Doctor, Peter Mugyenyi (FUNAS) on the realities of HIV therapy in his country: BBC PODCAST: Read more.....
  • UC Davis nursing professor Gerald Kayingo (FUNAS) honored by the US national association for published research :Read more....
  • The Africa Adaptation Knowledge Network (AAKNet) Special Issue of the Africa Adaptation Newsletter with theme Making EBA driven Agriculture work in Africa- Optimizing and Unleashing the hidden  potential: Download here.....
  • Mauritius Academy of Science & Technology (MAST), Special Scientific Meeting on the theme of"Our Energy Transition" Read more....
  • IAMP call for abstracts: - Exploring traditional medicine: read more.....
  • Working with Big Ideas of Science Education addresses concerns that the science curriculum in many countries is overloaded and over-detailed, frequently accompanied by assessment that requires memorising multiple facts, and a deterrent to the widely advocated inquiry-based approach to teaching and learning

    workshop reports

    Tobacco is estimated to kill up to one of every two users. No other risk factor carries such a high mortality rate and costs more than half a trillion dollars in economic damages annually (WHO, 2013b). As the use of tobacco has declined in high-income countries, the tobacco industry has increasingly ,   More

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