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7.2. DoD Information Enterprise

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Chapter 7 - Acquiring Information Technology

7.2. DoD Information Enterprise

7.2.1. Introduction Information Enterprise Vision The Information Technology (IT) Infrastructure of the Department The DoD Enterprise Architecture DoD Information Enterprise Architecture

7.2.1. Introduction

To provide a conceptual framework for this change, the Department has defined a Department of Defense Information Enterprise (DoD IE) as an organizing construct. The DoD IE consists of the Department of Defense information assets, processes, activities, and resources required to achieve an information advantage and share information across the Department and with mission partners. The DoD IE includes:

  • The information itself, which is a key asset to the Department, and the Department's management over the information life cycle.
  • The processes, including risk management, associated with managing information to accomplish the DoD mission and functions.
  • Activities related to designing, building, populating, acquiring, managing, operating, protecting and defending the information enterprise.
  • Related information resources such as personnel, funds, equipment, and information technology, including national security systems. Information Enterprise Vision

The DoD IE vision is transforming the Department into an agile enterprise empowered by access to and sharing of timely and trusted information. The net-centric vision of the DoD IE is to function as one unified DoD Enterprise, creating an information advantage for our people and mission partners by providing:

  • A rich information sharing environment in which data and services are visible, accessible, understandable, and trusted across the enterprise.
  • An available and protected network infrastructure (the Global Information Grid (GIG)) that enables responsive information-centric operations using dynamic and interoperable communications and computing capabilities.

PMs and Sponsors/Domain Owners should use this vision to help guide their acquisition programs. This vision requires a comprehensive information capability that is global, robust, survivable, maintainable, interoperable, secure, reliable, and user-driven to be operationally suitable, safe, effective, usable and affordable across the life cycle of the systems. The Information Technology (IT) Infrastructure of the Department

The IT infrastructure of the Department is the GIG. The GIG is the Department's globally interconnected end-to-end set of information capabilities for collecting, processing, storing, disseminating, and managing information on demand to warfighters, policy makers, and support personnel. The GIG includes owned and leased communications and computing systems and services, software (including applications), data, security services, other associated services, and National Security Systems. Non-GIG IT includes stand-alone, self-contained, or embedded IT that is not and will not be connected to the enterprise network.

Every DoD acquisition program having an IT component is a participant in the GIG. Each new IT-related acquisition program replaces, evolves, or adds new capabilities to the GIG. Components, Combat Developers, Sponsors/Domain Owners, DoD Agencies, and PMs should consider the existing and planned capabilities of the GIG that might be relevant as they develop their architectures, JCIDS documentation (see the JCIDS Manual), and related program requirements. The DoD Enterprise Architecture

An Enterprise Architecture describes the "current architecture" and "target architecture," and provides a strategy that will enable an agency to transition from its current state to its target environment. The Office of Management and Budget defines enterprise architecture as the explicit description and documentation of the current and desired relationships among business and management processes and IT. All DoD architectures, including warfighter, intelligence, business, and component enterprise architectures, are part of the DoD EA. The DoD EA is defined as a federation of descriptions that provide context and rules for accomplishing the mission of the Department. These descriptions are developed and maintained at the Department, Capability Area, and Component levels and collectively define the people, processes, and technology required in the "current" and "target" environments, and the roadmap for transition to the target environment. As the Secretary of Defense's principal staff assistant for IT and information resources management, the DoD Chief Information Officer (DoD CIO) develops, maintains, and facilitates the use of the DoD EA to guide and oversee the evolution of the Department's IT-related investments to meet operational needs. DoD Information Enterprise Architecture

The DoD Information Enterprise Architecture (IEA) provides a common foundation to support accelerated DoD transformation to net-centric operations and establishes priorities to address critical barriers to its realization.

The published DoD IEA describes the integrated Defense Information Enterprise and the rules for the information assets and resources that enable it. The DoD IEA unifies the concepts embedded in the Department's net-centric strategies into a common vision, providing relevance and context to existing policy. The DoD IEA highlights the key principles, rules, constraints and best practices drawn from collective policy to which applicable DoD programs, regardless of Component or portfolio, must adhere in order to enable agile, collaborative net-centric operations. The DoD IEA provides information for applying it in architecture development and complying with it.

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