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9.0 Overview

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Chapter 9 - Test and Evaluation (T&E)

9.0. Overview

9.0.1. Purpose

9.0.2. Contents

9.0. Overview

9.0.1. Purpose

This chapter supplements direction and instruction in DoDD 5000.01 and DoDI 5000.02 with processes and procedures for planning and executing an effective and affordable T&E program in the DoD acquisition model. A rigorous and efficient T&E program provides early knowledge of developmental and operational issues. Correcting these issues early enough can mitigate risks of cost overruns and schedule slippages, and can ultimately contribute to delivery of effective and suitable weapons, information technology (IT) and National Security Systems (NSS) to the Warfighters in a timely manner. The principles and practices in this chapter apply to all acquisition programs regardless of size or cost; however, some aspects focus on acquisition programs of sufficient interest, cost, size, complexity, or need for interoperability, requiring oversight by the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD): the OSD T&E Oversight List.

9.0.2. Contents

Section 9.1 “OSD T&E Organization” provides a guide to OSD organizations having roles in the accomplishment or overseeing the DoD T&E mission.

Section 9.2 “Service-level T&E Management” identifies the top level management structure for the Services and the Major Range and Test Facilities Base (MRTFB).

Section 9.3  “Test and Evaluation” describes the different types of T&E and test events.

Section 9.4  “Integrated Test and Evaluation” defines integrated testing and describes how all areas within T&E utilize Integrated Testing.

Section 9.5  “T&E Planning” describes actions needed to develop an Evaluation Plan, Test and Evaluation Strategy (TES), Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP), and test plan.

Section 9.6 “T&E Reporting” describes actions and documentation needed to report T&E results and evaluations.

Section 9.7 “Special Topics” addresses T&E programs deviating from the DoDI 5000.02 Defense Acquisition System model (e.g., associated with urgent needs programs, defense business systems, National Security Systems (NSS), etc.).

Section 9.8 “Best Practices” presents examples of best practices to improve planning, execution, and reporting of T&E.

Section 9.9Prioritizing Use of Government Test Facilities for T&E” provides information on the mandate to use Government test facilities for T&E.

Throughout this chapter, interpret the terms developmental and operational as broad statements of the types of testing or evaluation, and not as the testing controlled by a particular organization.

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