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Operational Contract Support
Operational Contract Support (OCS) is the process of planning for and obtaining supplies, services, and construction from commercial sources in support of joint operations. Operational contract support includes the associated contract support integration, contracting support, and contractor management functions.

AFRICOM OCS Enduring Truths  

  • Standards are expeditionary and austere

  • Maximize local procurement and/or local labor

  • Maximize use of pre-selected contracts

  • Maximize on-site Contracting Officer Representatives (COR)

  • Minimize impact on current local prices




Operational Contract Support (OCS)

In accordance with DoDI 3020.41, this site provides information on U.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM) Operational Contract Support (OCS) planning factors, management, policies, and specific contract support requirements available during all phases of operations. Contracting activities, requiring activities and contractors will find information here that will facilitate entry into and operation requirements within, the USAFRICOM Theater of operations.  



USAFRICOM Operational Contract Support Integration Cell (OCSIC), ACJ443

DSN: 314-421-3818/3747

E-Mail: USAFRICOM OCSIC Group Mailbox



USAFRICOM J4 - Logistics Collaboration Portal (CAC enabled, Passport ID Required)



Joint OCS Planning and Execution Course (JOPEC)

The Joint Operational Contract Support (OCS) Planning and Execution Course is a joint certified, 9-day, mobile training team (MTT) delivered course which focuses on OCS planning and execution responsibilities during phases 0 through 5 at the Geographic Combatant Command (GCC), Sub-Joint Force Command, and Service component commands.
For more information on JOPEC or to register for a course, click here:  



Contract Support Integration  

The coordination and synchronization of contracted support executed in a designated operational area to ensure the subordinate JFCs, the Service component commands, and supporting CSAs are prepared and organized to plan and manage OCS actions.



Boards, Bureaus, Centers, Cells and Working Groups (B2C2WG):

USAFRICOM OCSIC, Operational Contract Support Working Group (OCSWG): 
An action officer forum to discuss OCS policy recommendations, plan for OCS, coordinate, synchronize and discuss OCS across USAFRCOM J-Staff/Special Staff, Subordinate Command Staff and key mission partners and provide input and recommendations for approval at the ACJ4 Joint Logistics Board (JLB).  



USAFRICOM Joint Logistics Board (JLB):

To orchestrate Logistics Operations, Plans and Engagements; Deployment and Distribution; Engineering; Operational Contract Support and related logistics efforts across the AFRICOM Area of Responsibility during all operational phases.



Lead Service for Contracting Coordination (LSCC) Working Group:

Maintains the lines of communication with service component contracting activities and HQ AFRICOM OCSIC. Chaired by the USARAF LSCC. Meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday.



USAFRICOM Lead Service for Contracting Coordination (LSCC)

Mr. John Roche, Chief, Lead Service for Contract Coordination

DSN: 314-637-7733





Joint Contracting Support Board (JCSB):
The primary mechanism to coordinate and de-conflict contracting actions within a designated operational area. The JCSB is the forum for theater support, service civil augmentation program, and other designated in-theater external contracting organizations to share information, coordinate acquisition strategies, minimize chances of competition and redundancies between individual contracts and/or task orders and look for opportunities to optimize filling like requirements through common solutions.



Contracting Support

Contracting is a Service Title 10 responsibility. Requiring activities should contact their supporting contracting office/agency for guidance and requirements in obtaining contracting support.



Joint activities with no organic/habitual contracting support capability may present their requirements for contracting support at the monthly USAFRICOM OSC Working Group for possible Joint solutions to contracting capability shortfalls. This should be coordinated well in advance of the requirement to facilitate a tasking order for Joint solutions. 


Acquisitions in support of USAFRICOM Theater Security Cooperation Efforts:
U.S. Department of State General Services Officers (GSOs) are not responsible for providing procurement and contracting support for DoD activities beyond limited support to U.S. Government Personnel permanently assigned at post or for direct use under the local International Cooperative Administrative Support Services agreement

Military activities are responsible for providing procurement and contracting support of theater security cooperation efforts conducted in support of combatant commander/Chief of Mission, to include military exercises/training, base operations, weapons procurement, aviation fuels and construction and the President's Emergency Plan for Aids relief.



Guidance for Contracting Officers:



USAFRICOM Policies: (CAC enabled):    


The Defense Contingency Contracting (DCC) Handbook website provides essential information, tools, and training to help DoD Contingency Contracting Officers (CCOs) and other Operational Contract Support (OCS) staff meet the challenges they may face in contingency environments.



Additional contingency contracting resources to include tools, business processes and reports are available at:



Acquisition and Cross Servicing Agreements (ACSA). This link provides a listing of current ACSA agreements worldwide (CAC enabled)  



Approved Food & Water Database: This link provides Information and guidance on food and drinking water safety, inspections, sources, service facilities, and sanitation.


Contractor Management

This section includes information to support Contractor Management. Contractor management involves the control, support, and integration of contractor personnel and their associated equipment deploying and operating in the operational area.



Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR)

The Defense Contingency COR Handbook and related documents to include checklists are located here.


As of 10 Feb 14,  DoD agencies and components are required to  use the DoD Contracting Officer Representative Tracking (CORT) tool to electronically track COR nominations, appointments, terminations, and training certifications for service contracts. See DFARS PGI 201.6

Additional information on the CORT tool is available here



Theater Entrance Requirements:  Contractor Training/Processing/Travel


Theater Entrance Requirements: Theater entry requirements are determined by the Combatant Commander (COCOM) and listed in the DoD Foreign Clearance Manual/Foreign Clearance Guide (FCG)

US Africa Command theater entry requirements pertain to all DoD military, civilian, and contractor personnel travelling in any capacity into and within the US Africa Command Area of Responsibility. For more information, click here.


See the DoD Foreign Clearance Guide for restrictions imposed by applicable international and local laws, SOFAs, and HN support agreements.  



Deployment Requirements and Theater Reception.



Contractor Accountability



OPSEC plans and restrictions



Force protection policies 



Personnel recovery procedures   



Government Furnished Support

  • Medical