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12 April 2011 - DAU Acquisition Community Symposium: Making Every Dollar Count - Improving Acquisition Outcomes

Long Description

The Defense Acquisition University hosted its annual
Acquisition Community Symposium
on April 12, 2011 at the DAU Fort Belvoir Campus
(Bldg 226, Scott Hall).
The theme this year was:
"Making Every Dollar Count - Improving Acquisition Outcomes".

See breakout sessions below for slide show and video presentations.

Time Event Slides
0700-0800 Registration and Breakfast; Annual Alum Assn. Business Meeting (0730-0800); Visit Exhibits View Power Point Slides
0800-0810 Intro by DAUAA President, Recognition of Corporate Sponsors & Pledge of Allegiance View Power Point Slides
0810-0820 Welcome by Mrs. Katharina McFarland, President, DAU
0820-0920 Keynote - Mr. Shay Assad, Assistant Secretary of Defense (Acquisition). (accepted)
0920-0940 Break & Visit Exhibits
0940-1055 Acquisition Executive Panel moderated by Mr. Shay Assad, Assistant Secretary of Defense (Acquisition). (accepted); Participants: Honorable Malcolm R. O'Neill, ASA(ALT), Dept of Army (accepted); Mr. James Thomsen, Principal Civilian Deputy to ASN(RDA), Dept of Navy; (accepted); Mr. David Van Buren, SAE, Dept of Air Force; (accepted) View Power Point Slides
View Power Point Slides
1055-1200 Speaker - Honorable Christine Fox, Dir, OSD CAPE (accepted) - Senior Leader Perspective on Efficiency Initiatives. View Power Point Slides
1200-1300 Lunch (Scott Hall and the Packard Center); visit Exhibits
1300-1400 Panel on Better Buying Power Initiatives - Team Leaders Panel (Moderator) Mrs. Katharina McFarland, President, DAU.
1400-1515 Industry Panel (DAUAA corporate sponsors and NDIA members); Moderated by Mr. Stan Soloway, President, Professional Services Council (PSC) (accepted); Ms Roberta Chagnot, Senior VP, McKean Defense Group (accepted); Mr. Tony Parasida, President, Boeing Global Svs & Spt (accepted); Mr. Mike Stolarik, President and COO, QinetiQ-NA (accepted) - Panel will cover flow down impact to industry on affordability initiatives.
1515-1530 Break & Visit Exhibits
1530-1730 Seven Concurrent Breakout Sessions - each session (except #4, #7) 1 hour long and held twice; attendees can attend 2 sessions each: Affordability and Control of Cost Growth; Incentivize Productivity & Innovation in Industry; Promote Real Competition; Improve Tradecraft in Services Acquisition; Reduce Non-Productive Processes and Bureaucracy; DoD Product Support Assessment - Its Impact on Program Cost Reduction; Edward Hirsch Research Paper Competition Presentations. (Note: DAU Center Dir and/or faculty-staff member assigned to coordinate and run each session.)
1730 - 1745 Move to Officers Club for Evening Banquet
1745 - 1815 Officers Club - Pre-dinner reception (1 free beverage + cash bar)
1800 Officers Club - DAUAA Board of Directors Photo
1815 - 1820 Officers Club - Tribute to Nation - "God Bless America" - Mr. Paul McIlvaine
1820 - 1915 Officers Club - Invocation - Mr. Norm McDaniel; & Dinner Service
1915 - 1945 Officers Club - Dinner Speaker - Retired Congressman Chris Shays, CT (accepted) Co-chair, Commission on Wartime Contracting (COWC) - "Services Contracting and the Contingency Environment"
1945 - 1955 Officers Club - Presentation of Acker Award by President, DAU
1955 - 2005 Officers Club - Remarks by Acker Award Winner
2005 - 2015 Presentation of Edward Hirsch Acquisition Research and Writing Awards
2015 - 2045 Officers Club - DAU Hall of Fame Awards
2045 - 2050 Drawing for Prizes - 2 iPod Nano players; 3 iPod Shuffles players; 7 Starbucks gift cards

Sessions 1 thru 5 provide information on Better Buying Power initiatives regarding five major areas where improved efficiency is required by SecDef and USD(AT&L); Session 6 provides info re LOG cost reduction initiatives; Session 7 provides briefings on winning research papers which address cost efficiencies)

Breakout 1 - BUS - Coordinated by Sharon Jackson; Target Affordability and Control Cost Growth; speaker - Mr Dave Ahern, Director, Portfolio Systems Acquisition, ASD(A) (accepted) Howell Auditorium for 1st hour (1530-1630); Packard Center for 2d hour (1630-1730)

Breakout 2 - PM - Coordinated by Bill Parker; Incentivize Productivity & Innovation in Industry; speaker - Mr. Sean Crean, Director, Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP (U.S. Navy)) (accepted); SR 5A for both sessions.

Breakout 3 - CON - Coordinated by Len Manning; Promote Real Competition; speaker - Mr. Bob Griffin, Asst. Commander for Acquisition, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, U.S. Navy (accepted); SR 1-2 for both sessions.

Breakout 4 - SVC - Coordinated by Lyle Eesley; Improve Tradecraft in Services Acquisition; Panel - Mr. Shaw Cohe, CEO, Aircraft Support and Training, LLC, moderator (accepted); Maj.Gen. Wendy Masiello, Air Force PEO for Combat and Mission Support (accepted) ; Mr James Sutton, Deputy ASA-S ( accepted); Mr Bruce Sharp, Deputy ASN RDA for Program Analysis & Business Transformation (accepted); SR 5B for entire session.

Breakout 5 - E&T - Coordinated by George Prosnik; Reduce Non-Productive Processes and Bureaucracy; speaker - Mr. Nic Torelli, DDR&E, Mission Assurance (accepted)); Packard Center (Main Room) for 1st hour (1530-1630); Howell Auditorium for 2d hour (1630-1730).

Breakout 6 - LOG - Coordinated by Bill Kobren; DoD Product Support Assessment - Its Impact on Program Cost Reduction; speaker - Mr. Mark Gajda, OUSD(AT&L)/L&MR Materiel Readiness (accepted) (with Mr. John Boyce as backup); SR-4 for both sessions.

Breakout 7 - Research Paper Presentations - Coordinated by Larrie Ferreiro; SR-3 for entire session.

Other Handouts To get additional handouts provided at the Symposium click below:

NOTE: Plenary session activities in Howell Auditorium were fed via VTC and Defense Connect Online (DCO) to remote sites. For breakout sessions, only the Howell Auditorium breakout session was fed via VTC and DCO to remote sites. Locations where VTC connections were held:

  • DAU Mid-Atlantic - PAX River, MD, Frank Knox Building (POC Brad Batess)
  • DAU Mid-Atlantic - California, MD Regional HQ (POC Brad Bates)
  • DAU Mid-Atlantic - Chester, VA (POC Brad Bates)
  • DAU Midwest - Kettering, OH; Regional HQs Bldg (POC Jeff Tkach)
  • DAU Midwest - Wright Patterson AFB, Dayton, OH (POC Jeff Tkach)
  • DAU Midwest - TACOM, Detroit MI (POC Jeff Tkach)
  • DAU West - San Diego, CA, Bldg 50 Conference Room (POC Lisa Smith)
  • DAU West - Los Angeles, CA, TP Room (POC Mike Gonzales)
  • SPAWAR HQ 4.0 Logistics, San Diego, CA (POC Tyrone Jordan)
  • SPAWAR SYSCOM, San Diego, CA (POC Les Joyner)
  • DAU South - Huntsville, AL Regional HQs Bldg (POC Matthew Kennedy)
  • DAU South - Eglin AFB, FL (POC Troy Snow)
  • DAU South - Anniston Army Depot Contracts Office, Anniston AL (POC Consuella Russell)
  • DCMA Dallas, Dallas, TX (POC Virginia Baker)
  • DCMA St. Louis, MO (POC Jeff Stone)
  • Fort Stewart, GA (POC Anthony Hollans)
  • DAU Fort Belvoir

List of All Contributions at This Location

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Date CreatedWednesday, April 13, 2011 6:48 PM
Date ModifiedFriday, August 7, 2015 3:37 PM
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