bureauCode firstName lastName employmentType typeOfAppointment otherResponsibilities evaluationRatingOfficialTitle evaluationReviewingOfficialTitle keyBureauCIO
60 Michael Johnson SES political none David Klaus, Deputy Under Secretary for Management & Performance David Klaus, Deputy Under Secretary for Management & Performance Yes
60 Robert Green SES career Principal Deputy CIO for Enterprise Information Resources Management Michael Johnson, Chief Information Officer Michael Johnson, Chief Information Officer Yes
00 Penny Mefford SES career Financial, Budget, Accounting, Internal Controls Alison Doone, Deputy Agency Chief Financial Officer Joe Hezir, Agency Chief Financial Officer Yes
10 Tony Bailey Other career Director of Office of Information Technology Vergle L. Gipson, Assistant Deputy Secretary for Fusion, Analysis, and Mitigation for the Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence Steven K. Black, Director of Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence Yes
60 Larry Buttress SES career Vice President & Chief Information Officer Claudia Andrews, Chief Operating Officer for Bonneville Power Administration Elliot Mainzer, Administrator and Chief Executive Officer Yes
60 Raymond Holmer GS career Supervisory Information Technology Specialist Stephen Kirchhoff, Deputy Associate Under Secretary for Environment, Health, Safety, and Security Matthew Moury, Associate Under Secretary for Environment, Health, Safety, and Security No
60 Sherri Bishop GS career Supervisory Management Analyst Raymond Holmer, Supervisory Information Technology Specialist for Environment, Health, Safety, and Security Stephen Kirchhoff, Deputy Associate Under Secretary for Environment, Health, Safety, and Security No
60 John Shea GS career Budget; Resources; HSO James Hendrix, Operations Manager Andre H. Sayles, Ph.D., Principal Deputy Director Yes
05 Wayne Jones SES career Privacy Officer Madelyn Creedon, Principal Deputy Administrator for National Nuclear Security Frank Klotz, Under Secretary for Nuclear Security Yes
50 Dawn Roth-Lindell SES career Senior Vice President\n& Chief Information Officer Mark A. Gabriel, Administrator for Western Area Power Administration Yes
50 Steve Wall GS career Director, Information Technology Keith Blackstone -- Senior Vice President of Corporate Compliance Keith Blackstone -- Senior Vice President of Corporate Compliance Yes
20 Vasilios Kountouris SES career Director, Office of Information Technology and Services Jeffrey Salmon, Deputy Director for Resource Management for Science Programs Steve Binkley, Deputy Director - Acting for Science Programs Yes
20 Steve Binkley SES career Associate Director, Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research Steve Binkley, Deputy Director - Acting for Science Programs Steve Binkley, Deputy Director - Acting for Science Programs No
20 Barb Helland GS career Associate Director - Acting, Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research Steve Binkley, Deputy Director - Acting for Science Programs Steve Binkley, Deputy Director - Acting for Science Programs No
20 Jeff Salmon SES career Deputy Director for Resource Management Steve Binkley, Deputy Director - Acting for Science Programs Steve Binkley, Deputy Director - Acting for Science Programs No
20 Joseph McBrearty GS career Deputy Director for Field Operations Steve Binkley, Deputy Director - Acting for Science Programs Steve Binkley, Deputy Director - Acting for Science Programs No
20 Jeffrey Given GS career Assistant Director for Preservation & Technology Brian Hitson, Director of Office of Science and Technical Information Jeffrey Salmon, Deputy Director for Resource Management for Science Programs No
20 Stephanie Short SES career Associate Deputy for Field Operations Joseph McBrearty, Deputy Director for Field Operations for Science Programs Steve Binkley, Deputy Director - Acting for Science Programs No
20 Eugene Duah GS career Director of Information Technology Douglas Hollett, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Christopher Smith, Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy Yes
20 Leo Selico GS career Director of Information System and Technical Service/CIO Lisa Nicholson, Supervisory General Engineer for Office of Assistant Project Manager for Strategic Petroleum Reserve William Gibson, Project Manager for Strategic Petroleum Reserve No
20 Mark Estel GS career Sr. IT Operations Director Dr. Linda Kimberling, Deputy Director and Chief Operating Officer Dr. Grace Bochenek, Director, NETL No
20 Steven Von-Vital GS career Supervisory Information Technology Specialist Bindu Jacob, Director, Information Technology Services Office, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Michael Budney, Director of Office of Business Operations, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Yes
10 Patrick Booher GS career Director of Operations Terri Lee, Chief Operating Officer for Corporate Business Operations for Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability Patricia Hoffman, Assistant Secretary for Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability No
20 Joseph Wilson GS career Chief Information Officer (acting), EIA Assistant Administrator, Office of Resource and Technology Management Assistant Administrator, Office of Resource and Technology Management Yes
10 Terri Lee SES career Chief Operating Officer Patricia Hoffman, Assistant Secretary for Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability Patricia Hoffman, Assistant Secretary for Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability No
10 Deitra Phillips GS career Program Manager Deitra Phillips, Program Manager for Corporate Business Operations for Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability Deitra Phillips, Program Manager for Corporate Business Operations for Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability No
10 Jeanne Beard SES career Director, Corporate Information & Services Melody Bell, Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Capital J. Mark Whitney, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management Yes
50 Joel Seymour GS career Contracting Officer Ken Legg, Administrator for Southastern Power Administration Yes
60 Edwin Parks GS career Team Leader Archives and Information Management Team David Shafer\nDirector Office of Business Operations\LM Tom Pauling\nDirector (Acting) Office of Legacy Management Yes
10 Ken Wellmaker Other career CIO No
10 Ward Best SES career Records Management Director, Environmental Management Consolidated Business Center (EMCBC) Deputy Director, Environmental Management Consolidated Business Center (EMCBC) No
10 Cecil Thomas GS career IT Federal Support & M&O IT Oversight, Emergency Operations Center Federal Representative Director, Office of Business Manager, Carlsbad Field Office No
10 Lewann Belton GS career AODR (Deputy Director) Office of Safeguards, Security and Emergency Services (Director) Office of Safeguards, Security and Emergency Services No