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The Joint Special Operations University (JSOU)resides at MacDill Air Force Base, FL. With active duty, reserve, and civilian faculty members from the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, JSOU delivers unique SOF educational opportunities through distance learning, in residence courses and integration of SOF curriculum with service Professional Military Education Schools.

OUR MISSION prepare Special Operations Forces (SOF) to shape the future strategic environment by providing specialized joint professional military education, developing SOF specific undergraduate and graduate level academic programs and by fostering special operations research, analysis and outreach in support of USSOCOM objectives.

Please take the time to read our University History.

JSOU Future Concept, Course Catalog,
and Factbook now available!

In addition to the Competency Model Explanation, & the JSOU Strategic Plan, these new materials are now ready for review. Please click on the links below to access this valuable information. Thank you for your interest in JSOU and educating the Joint SOF Warrior!

--The Joint Special Operations University Future Concept reviews the commissioned study of current and future joint SOF education requirements. The report proposes an integrated and coordinated education network that provides for an exchange of knowledge and education with SOF components and their school houses, the Theater Special Operations Commands, Department of Defense Regional Centers, the Joint and Service PME Institutions, and selected civilian academic universities and colleges. JSOU's Future Concept brings together both the vision of joint SOF education and JSOU's lead in educating joint warrior diplomats.

--The Joint Special Operations University Factbook provides a summary of academic courses, educational programs and student demographics for academic year 2014. Our annual report reflects the major accomplishments in the area of SOF Education, Interagency Education, International Education Engagement, and SOF Enlisted Education.



Visit the JSOU Library



 Please visit the Publications section to see all the research available from JSOU Press.



The 2005 Iraqi Sunni Awakening: The Role of the Desert Protectors Program, by William KnarrSOF Reference Manual 2015      JSOU 2016 Special Operations Research Topics 

We are currently seeking suggestions for future JSOU Publication Topics.

Recommend a Future Topic



The Joint Special Operations University (JSOU) invites nominees to apply for the 2017 Advanced Special Operations Studies graduate certificate.  This graduate certificate program includes four separate graduate-level courses conducted throughout the academic year at USSOCOM locations.     

Courses are offered in a blended format (distance learning and in-residence) with the distance learning phase facilitated through JSOU E-Campus (Blackboard) one - two weeks prior to the in-residence phase. 

The dates of the four courses for academic year 2017 are listed below: 

Evolution of U.S. Special Operations Forces (SOS 5651) 

  • 09 January – 03 February 2017               Coronado, CA 
  • 24 April – 19 May 2017                          Hurlburt Field, FL
  • 28 August – 22 September 2017             Little Creek, VA

Strategic Utility of Special Operations (SOS 5453) 

  • 20 March – 14 April 2017                        Hurlburt Field, FL 
  • 07 August – 1 September 2017              MacDill AFB, FL 

International and Interagency Special Operations (SOS 5350) 

  • 28 November – 15 December 2016         Hurlburt Field, FL
  • 04 – 24 March 2017                               Ft Bragg, NC 

Employment of Special Operations Course (SOS 5655) 

  • 03 – 28 October 2016                            MacDill AFB, FL
  • 24 April – 19 May 2017                          Coronado, CA 

To view course description, prerequisites, dates, and registration requirements, access the JSOU public web site at the following URL -, select Courses and select the desired course.  

For certificate and registration questions, contact the JSOU Registrar,