Section 508 Refresh

2/2/2017 2:30:00 PM ET

This webinar will review a final rule recently issued by the U.S. Access Board to refresh its accessibility requirements for information and communication technology (ICT) covered by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and Section 255 of the Communications Act. Presenters will provide an overview of the rule’s scope and structure, highlight substantive changes, and answer questions from attendees. The Section 508 Standards apply to electronic and information technology developed, procured, maintained or used by the federal government, including computer hardware and software, websites, multimedia, phone systems, and copiers. The Section 255 Guidelines address access to telecommunications products and services and apply to manufacturers of telecommunication equipment.

The content of this webinar is a repeat of a session presented on January 31st from 1:00 to 2:30pm (ET) as part of the Section 508 Best Practices Webinar Series. Both webinars will be recorded and archived. Attendees will receive the same content in both sessions. If you wish to register for the January 31st Section 508 Best Practices Webinar Series session go to:

Questions for presenters:

  • Do entities need to retrofit based on changes in the revised requirements?
  • The best web experiences include various scripting techniques. Is it still an absolute requirement to have a no JavaScript fallback?
  • When can we expect a revision to the VPAT document?
  • Across our company not everyone has the latest Adobe pdf product, so our 508-screening differs. Do we need to equip all users with the latest version to ensure legal compliance?
  • How long will agencies have to implement the revised 508 compliance rules?
  • Are any plans in place to provide guidance on making emerging technologies 508 compliant (such as VR and voice activated applications)?
  • does the Section 508 refresh safe harbor fall under ICT created before the compliance date of January 18, 2018 or the effective date of March 20, 2017?
  • In the NPRM, there was reference to eliminating 1194.22 D, L, and M. Can you clarify on if these can be officially eliminated? Also, if so, can they be eliminated from sites in the safe harbor clause or do they still apply?
  • Do all non-public-facing non-Web official education and training materials (reports, powerpoints, word documents, excel spreadsheets, pdfs) created after March 20, 2017 (except those with applicability to national security systems) need to comply with section 508-based standards?
  • When will education and training live streaming events (example using Blackboard) need to have CART (Communication Access Realtime Translation)?
  • It was indicated that regarding Section 508 refresh safe harbor, there would be more detailed guidance/clarity on what is considered compliance with the old Section 508 for legacy ICT that is not updated after 1/18/18. Can you elaborate how this guidance will be delivered?
  • Are there differences between the 508 refresh and WCAG 2.0 AA guidelines? My org has been working to meet AA, and I can't find clear guidance on whether there are differences.
  • In Chapter E200 4 WCAG SC are exceptions for documents. Two questions: PDFs are considered web content if served up by http. So would a PDF have different requirements depending whether it was emailed or posted via http. Question #2. Chapter 6 Support Documentation does not contain the 4 exceptions for documents from E200. Are these 4 exception not applicable if a document is a support document?
  • Will simulators, emulators, trainers, and part-task trainers that incorporate computers (examples: air traffic control simulator, medical emergency trama simulator, flight simulator, radio networks) need to comply with this rule?
  • How will the refresh affect market research? Are public surveys required to be compliant?

Continuing Education Recognition Available

Certificate Credit hours
Certificate of Attendance 1.5