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Lyme disease graphs

Reported Cases of Lyme Disease by Year, United States, 1995-2015

	graph of reported cases of Lyme Disease, by year from 1995 through 2015

The graph displays the number of reported cases of Lyme disease from 1995 through 2015.

*National Surveillance case definition revised in 2008 to include probable cases.

Confirmed Lyme disease cases by age and sex--United States, 2001-2015

	Graph of mean annual incidence of reported cases of Lyme disease by age and sex, United States, 2001 through 2015

Reported cases of Lyme disease are most common among boys aged 5-9.

Confirmed Lyme disease cases by month of disease onset--United States, 2001-2015

	While reported cases of Lyme disease can occur year-round, May, June, July, and August are the peak months for being diagnosed with Lyme disease, with June and July being the peak months.  April, September, October, and November have far fewer cases than the summer months, but December, January, February, and March have the fewest cases of reported Lyme disase.

Lyme disease patients are most likely to have illness onset in June, July, or August and less likely to have illness onset from December through March.

Clinical Manifestations of Confirmed Lyme Disease Cases--United States, 2001-2015

	From 2001-2015 of the 236,327 reported cases of Lyme disease, 71% of patients had an erythema migrans rash; 30% reported arthritis symptoms; 9% reported Bells palsy (facial droop); 4% reported radiculoneuropathy; 2% reported mengitis or encephalitis; and 1% reported cardiac symptoms. Totals exceed 100% as some patients reported more than one symptom.

This figure represents the breakdown of reported Lyme disease cases from 2001 to 2015 by disease manifestation. The majority of cases are the erythema migrans (EM) rash. Other manifestations are less common, some patients have more than one presentation.
