StreamStats Batch Processing Tool

This tool produces shapefiles that contain the delineated basins, basin characteristics, and flow statistics for multiple sites requested at once by users. Before this tool can be used, the the points of interest will likely need to be edited in GIS so that they are coincident with the stream grid used by StreamStats for delineations and saved to a shapefile. Click here to select and download the stream grid for your area of interest. The number of points in the shapefile generally should not exceed 200. Insert the filenames for the shapefile of snapped points of interest below. The batch process will delineate the drainage areas and if checked, will compute basin characteristics, and/or estimate flow statistics by use of regression equations for the selected points. The user will be notified by email where to pick up the results when they are done.
Local ID Field: State Abbrev:
Enter email Address for completion notification:

Select the 4 files to upload a shapefile
.SHP file
.DBF file
.PRJ file
.SHX file