Frequent Questions

How do I get trained and certified?

For Air Conditioning Technicians:

EPA does not administer air conditioning or refrigerant technician certification tests. However, on EPA’s Ozone Layer Protection web site, you can find a list of approved programs which do offer testing services.

Section 608 of the Clean Air Act covers stationary air conditioning and refrigeration certification:

Section 609 covers to motor vehicle air conditioning and refrigeration (MVACs) certification: 

Need more help? Please contact EPA's Stratospheric Ozone Hotline via email: or submit questions or comments online.

For Lead Renovation Professionals:

Are you a contractor?  Find information about training and certification on the following Web page:

We also suggest:

Questions?  Contact the National Lead Information Center to speak with an information specialist.

You can also find contact information for EPA’s Headquarters and Regional lead program offices here.

For Asbestos Control Professionals:

Federal law requires asbestos control professionals to take training on how to properly inspect for the presence of asbestos and to repair and remove it. Training also is required to develop asbestos management plans for schools and to manage and design asbestos abatement projects. States offer these training courses, which must meet EPA guidelines.

In addition to this initial training, asbestos control professionals must take annual refresher training in order to maintain their accreditation status.

EPA ID Numbers:

If you are looking for information on EPA ID numbers, please see the following FAQ:


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