Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center (NOROCK)


Below is a list of available NOROCK peer reviewed and published science. If you are in search of a specific publication and cannot find it below or through a search, please contact

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Glaciological measurements and mass balances from Sperry Glacier, Montana, USA, years 2005–2015
Year Published: 2017

Glaciological measurements and mass balances from Sperry Glacier, Montana, USA, years 2005–2015

Glacier mass balance measurements help to provide an understanding of the behavior of glaciers and their response to local and regional climate. In 2005 the United States Geological Survey established a surface mass balance monitoring program on Sperry Glacier, Montana, USA. This project is the first quantitative study of mass changes of a glacier in the US northern Rocky Mountains and continues...

Clark, Adam; Fagre, Daniel B.; Peitzsch, Erich H.; Reardon, Blase A.; Harper, Joel T.
Clark, A. M., Fagre, D. B., Peitzsch, E. H., Reardon, B. A., and Harper, J. T.: Glaciological measurements and mass balances from Sperry Glacier, Montana, USA, years 2005–2015, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 9, 47-61, doi:10.5194/essd-9-47-2017, 2017.
Trade-offs and efficiencies in optimal budget-constrained multispecies corridor networks
Year Published: 2017

Trade-offs and efficiencies in optimal budget-constrained multispecies corridor networks

Conservation biologists recognize that a system of isolated protected areas will be necessary but insufficient to meet biodiversity objectives. Current approaches to connecting core conservation areas through corridors consider optimal corridor placement based on a single optimization goal: commonly, maximizing the movement for a target species across a network of protected areas. We show that...

Dilkina, Bistra; Houtman, Rachel; Gomes, Carla P.; Montgomery, Claire A.; McKelvey, Kevin; Kendall, Katherine; Graves, Tabitha A.; Bernstein, Richard; Schwartz, Michael K.
Assessments of species' vulnerability to climate change: From pseudo to science
Year Published: 2017

Assessments of species' vulnerability to climate change: From pseudo to science

Climate change vulnerability assessments (CCVAs) are important tools to plan for and mitigate potential impacts of climate change. However, CCVAs often lack scientific rigor, which can ultimately lead to poor conservation prioritization and associated ecological and economic costs. We discuss the need to improve comparability and consistency of CCVAs and either validate their findings or improve...

Wade, Alisa A.; Hand, Brian K; Kovach, Ryan; Muhlfeld, Clint C.; Waples, Robin S.; Luikart, Gordon
Wade AA, Hand BK, Kovach RP, Muhlfeld CC, Waples RS, Luikart G. 2016. Assessments of species' vulnerability to climate change: from pseudo to science. Biodiversity and Conservation DOI 10.1007/s10531-016-1232-5
Whitebark pine mortality related to white pine blister rust, mountain pine beetle outbreak, and water availability
Year Published: 2016

Whitebark pine mortality related to white pine blister rust, mountain pine beetle outbreak, and water availability

Whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) forests in the western United States have been adversely affected by an exotic pathogen (Cronartium ribicola, causal agent of white pine blister rust), insect outbreaks (Dendroctonus ponderosae, mountain pine beetle), and drought. We monitored individual trees from 2004 to 2013 and characterized stand-level biophysical conditions through a mountain pine beetle...

Shanahan, Erin; Irvine, Kathryn M.; Thoma, David P.; Wilmoth, Siri K.; Ray, Andrew; Legg, Kristin; Shovic, Henry
Shanahan, E., K. M. Irvine, D. Thoma, S. Wilmoth, A. Ray, K. Legg, and H. Shovic. 2016. Whitebark pine mortality related to white pine blister rust, mountain pine beetle outbreak, and water availability. Ecosphere 7(12):e01610. 10.1002/ecs2.1610
Predictors of current and longer-term patterns of abundance of American pikas (Ochotona princeps) across a leading-edge protected area
Year Published: 2016

Predictors of current and longer-term patterns of abundance of American pikas (Ochotona princeps) across a leading-edge protected area

American pikas (Ochotona princeps) have been heralded as indicators of montane-mammal response to contemporary climate change. Pikas no longer occupy the driest and lowest-elevation sites in numerous parts of their geographic range. Conversely, pikas have exhibited higher rates of occupancy and persistence in Rocky Mountain and Sierra Nevada montane ‘mainlands’. Research and monitoring efforts on...

Moyer-Horner, Lucas; Beever, Erik A.; Johnson, Douglas H.; Beil, Mark; Belt, Jami
Survival estimates for reintroduced populations of the Chiricahua Leopard Frog (Lithobates chiricahuensis)
Year Published: 2016

Survival estimates for reintroduced populations of the Chiricahua Leopard Frog (Lithobates chiricahuensis)

Global amphibian declines have been attributed to a number of factors including disease, invasive species, habitat degradation, and climate change. Reintroduction is one management action that is commonly used with the goal of recovering imperiled species. The success of reintroductions varies widely, and evaluating their efficacy requires estimates of population viability metrics, such as...

Howell, Paige E; Hossack, Blake R.; Muths, Erin L.; Sigafus, Brent H.; Chandler, Richard B.
Case study: 2016 Natural glide and wet slab avalanche cycle, Going-to-the-Sun Road, Glacier National Park, Montana, USA
Year Published: 2016

Case study: 2016 Natural glide and wet slab avalanche cycle, Going-to-the-Sun Road, Glacier National Park, Montana, USA

The Going-to-the-Sun Road (GTSR) is the premier tourist attraction in Glacier National Park, Montana. The GTSR also traverses through and under 40 avalanche paths which pose a hazard to National Park Service (NPS) road crews during the annual spring snow plowing operation. Through a joint collaboration between the NPS and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), a forecasting program primarily dealing...

Hutchinson, Jacob; Peitzsch, Erich H.; Clark, Adam
Hutchinson, J., Peitzsch, E.H., , Clark, A. 2016. Cascading types of wet snow avalanches: a case study from Going-to-the-Sun Road, Glacier National Park, Montana. In: E. Greene (Editor), Proceedings ISSW 2016. International Snow Science Workshop, Breckenridge CO, U.S.A., 3-7 October 2016. pp. 66-73
Using structure from motion photogrammetry to examine glide snow avalanches
Year Published: 2016

Using structure from motion photogrammetry to examine glide snow avalanches

Structure from Motion (SfM), a photogrammetric technique, has been used extensively and successfully in many fields including geosciences over the past few years to create 3D models and high resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) from aerial or oblique photographs. SfM has recently been used in a limited capacity in snow avalanche research and shows promise as a tool for broader applications...

Peitzsch, Erich H.; Jordy Hendrikx; Fagre, Daniel B.
Peitzsch, E.H., Hendrikx, J., and Fagre, D. 2016. Using Structure from Motion Photogrammetry to investigate glide avalanches. In: E. Greene (Editor), Proceedings ISSW 2016. International Snow Science Workshop, Breckenridge CO, U.S.A., 3-7 October 2016, pp. 12-16.
Vive la résistance: genome-wide selection against introduced alleles in invasive hybrid zones
Year Published: 2016

Vive la résistance: genome-wide selection against introduced alleles in invasive hybrid zones

Evolutionary and ecological consequences of hybridization between native and invasive species are notoriously complicated because patterns of selection acting on non-native alleles can vary throughout the genome and across environments. Rapid advances in genomics now make it feasible to assess locus-specific and genome-wide patterns of natural selection acting on invasive introgression within and...

Kovach, Ryan P.; Hand, Brian K.; Hohenlohe, Paul A.; Cosart, Ted F.; Boyer, Matthew C.; Neville, Helen H.; Muhlfeld, Clint C.; Amish, Stephen J.; Carim, Kellie; Narum, Shawn R.; Lowe, Winsor H.; Allendorf, Fred W.; Luikart, Gordon
Climate-induced glacier and snow loss imperils alpine stream insects
Year Published: 2016

Climate-induced glacier and snow loss imperils alpine stream insects

Climate warming is causing rapid loss of glaciers and snowpack in mountainous regions worldwide. These changes are predicted to negatively impact the habitats of many range-restricted species, particularly endemic, mountaintop species dependent on the unique thermal and hydrologic conditions found only in glacier-fed and snowmelt-driven alpine streams. Though progress has been made, existing...

Giersch, J. Joseph; Hotaling, Scott; Kovach, Ryan; Jones, Leslie A.; Muhlfeld, Clint C.
Giersch, J. J., Hotaling, S. Kovach, R. P., Jones, L. A. Muhlfeld, C. C. Climate-induced glacier and snow loss imperils alpine stream insects. Climate Change Biology. doi: 10.1111/gcb.13565
Climate, invasive species and land use drive population dynamics of a cold-water specialist
Year Published: 2016

Climate, invasive species and land use drive population dynamics of a cold-water specialist

Climate change is an additional stressor in a complex suite of threats facing freshwater biodiversity, particularly for cold-water fishes.

Kovach, Ryan P.; Al-Chokhachy, Robert K.; Whited, Diane C.; Schmetterling, David A.; Dux, Andrew M; Muhlfeld, Clint C.
Kovach RP, Al-Chokhachy R, Whited DC, Schmetterling DA, Dux AM, Muhlfeld CC. 2016. Climate, invasive species and land use drive population dynamics of a cold-water specialist
Extending ordinal regression with a latent zero-augmented beta distribution
Year Published: 2016

Extending ordinal regression with a latent zero-augmented beta distribution

Ecological abundance data are often recorded on an ordinal scale in which the lowest category represents species absence. One common example is when plant species cover is visually assessedwithin bounded quadrats and then assigned to pre-defined cover class categories.We present an ordinal beta hurdle model that directly models ordinal category probabilitieswith a biologically realistic beta-...

Irvine, Kathryn M.; Rodhouse, T.J.; Keren, Ilai. N.
Irvine, KM, Rodhouse, TJ, and I. L. Keren. 2016. Extending Ordinal Regression with a Latent Zero-Augmented Beta Distribution Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics. DOI 10.1007/s13253-016-0265-2