Nature Education e-books are intuitive introductions to a range of topics relevant to science students, young scientists, and science enthusiasts of all ages.
Infection rates of Dengue Fever-causing virus are on the rise in recent decades. The World Health Organization estimates the number of infections across the globe to be 50 million per year. As this debilitating and sometimes lethal infection affects more and more people every year, science research is on notice, and moving fast to catch up. In this eBook, you will learn the symptoms of dengue, how it spreads via mosquitoes, and what new research is emerging to stop the disease in its tracks. Nature Education's editorial team developed this eBook as a result of the generous financial support of Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research, to ensure it is available to all users free of charge.
Essentials of Genetics is a guided introduction to many key concepts in genetics, from DNA structure and function to population genetics. It provides an excellent reference for students or lifelong learners and can be a teaching tool for faculty, featuring high quality video-based visualizations of genetics processes, clear explanations, and links to advanced study resources.
Essentials of Cell Biology introduces readers to the core concepts of cell biology. It provides an introduction for students of all ages and can be a springboard to more specialized topics for advanced students. It begins with a discussion of the fundamental properties of cells: the origin of the cell, how cells are organized, how they reproduce, and how they use energy. Other subjects include the cellular structures responsible for cell function, the signals that cells use to communicate with one another, and the intricate controls on cell division. At the end of each unit in this eBook there is the option to test your knowledge with twenty multiple-choice questions.
Cell Biology for Seminars introduces cell biology concepts and follows them with selected readings from the Nature archive that deepen the learning experience. The book begins with a discussion of the fundamental properties of cells: the origin of the cell, how cells are organized, how they reproduce, and how they use energy. Other subjects include the cellular structures responsible for cell function, the signals that cells use to communicate with one another, and the intricate controls on cell division. At the end of each unit in this eBook there is the option to test your knowledge with 25 multiple-choice questions. This seminar edition of the Cell Biology eBook is meant for advanced students or seminar settings.
English Communication for Scientists is a brief guide on how to communicate more effectively in English, no matter how much previous experience you have. Although it was developed with non-native speakers of English in mind, it should prove useful for native speakers, too. Created by seasoned communicators, English Communication for Scientists provides no-nonsense, directly applicable guidelines, illustrated with examples of written documents, oral presentations, and more.
The Guide to Life Science Careers helps you to explore and choose what career is best for you. Interviews with professionals about how they chose their career paths are included so you can learn how others became successful and understand the positive and negative aspects of various career choices. Strategies for networking, overcoming shyness, and building your résumé are also discussed to help you lay the groundwork for success and present the best you to potential employers.
Topic Rooms
Topic Rooms are hubs for in-depth exploration of a range of topics, from life sciences to scientific communication and career planning. Topic Rooms include introductory summaries of key concepts, evidence-based readings on advanced topics, and more.
To better inform our decisions at the doctor, the grocery store, and at home, it is crucial for us to know something about genetics. As we cultivate this understanding, we need to explore the evidence that supports our modern knowledge of genetics. Scitable invites you to do so, throughout our Topic areas.
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Cell biology is the study of cell structure and function, and revolves around the concept that the cell is the fundamental unit of life. Focusing on the cell allows a detailed understanding of the tissues and organisms that cells compose. Scitable invites you to explore our Topic Rooms in cell biology, and learn about the origin, diversity, and fascinating functions of cells.
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This Topic Room contains a range of materials designed to help students and young scientists learn to communicate more effectively, whether in research papers or public presentations.
22 articles | Show All
This Topic Room contains a range of resources intended to help graduate, undergraduate, and high school students with interest in science plan a meaningful career path. Resources include interviews with professionals about how they chose their careers, overviews of dozens of possible science-related career paths, and strategies for building a successful application.
45 articles | Show All
Knowledge Project
The Knowledge Project is an effort to work with the science academic community to build a reliable, openly accessible library of educational science content for college and high school students. Each article is written by experts in their field. The Knowledge Project is a living effort; articles will be updated over time in response to new developments in the field and specific suggestions by users.
The field of ecology is more and more central in the minds of scientists and citizens because of the challenges we face with supporting life on Earth in the twenty-first century as our physical environment rapidly changes around us. Ecologists help us meet these challenges by advancing our understanding of the interactions of organisms and their environment.
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What responsibilities do we have to wild species and ecosystems - and to present and future generations of humans dependent on critical ecological services? How does the recognition of rapid, global environmental change challenge our traditional understandings of these obligations? What does it mean to be "sustainable" and why do many believe that achieving sustainability is an ethical imperative for science and society in this century?
13 articles | Show All
Where do we come from? Where are we going? These are some of the big questions biological anthropology seeks to answer, using the principles of evolution as a backdrop for formulating and testing hypotheses about humanity's past, present, and future.
45 articles | Show All
Spotlights are focused explorations of key topics in science: current issues in the news, emerging lab techniques, thought leader perspectives, governmental policy, and a range of other subjects. Spotlights provide an entry point into the rich and dynamic world of science.
Some marine biologists believe that naval sonar testing is causing whales to flee so rapidly to the surface that they can die of acute decompression sickness. Others vigorously oppose this hypothesis. All agree that human activities, especially commercial shipping, have increased the amount of  background noise in the ocean over recent decades to the point where marine mammals' lives have been disrupted. 
Blogs and Forums
The Scitable discussion sphere comprises a range of perspectives dedicated to presenting the world of science in a clear and readable way, and stimulating broad discussion on critical issues for the future of science. Writers include experienced researchers, science policy-makers, journalists, and undergraduate students.
Written by a revolving team of student writers, Student Voices covers current research, emerging ideas, compelling people, and key debates in science for the undergraduate and high school student community.

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