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US Forest Service
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Projects & Policies

Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act

Public Law 110-343 reauthorizes the Secure Rural Schools Act for four fiscal years, 2008 through 2011.  The purposes of the Act are to stabilize payments to county schools and roads; invest in the land and create employment opportunities; and improve cooperative relationships among the people that use and care for national forests.

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Forest Certification

National Forest System (NFS) Certification Study: An Evaluation of the Application of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) Standards on Five National Forest System Management Units is now available. This report, produced for the Forest Service, documents the study in which third-party auditors evaluated current forest management practices on five study national forest units with standards set by two certification programs, Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) and Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). The report summarizes and discusses the five third-party evaluations and captures lessons learned through a review of participant experiences.


Schedule of Proposed Actions

The Schedule of Proposed Actions (SOPA) is published in January, April, July, and October. It contains a list of proposed actions that will soon begin or are currently undergoing environmental analysis and documentation. It provides information so that you can become aware of and indicate your interest in specific proposals. We encourage your early and ongoing involvement in any proposals of interest to you.

To learn more about SOPA and to view SOPA reports, please visit www.fs.fed.us/sopa/

Off-Highway Vehicles

In November 2005, the Forest Service published a new travel management rule governing motor vehicle use on national forests and grasslands. Under the final rule, each national forest or ranger district will designate those roads, trails, and areas open to motor vehicle use by class of vehicle and, if appropriate, by time of year. As designation is complete on a national forest or ranger district, motor vehicle use off of the designated system will be prohibited. To learn more about the travel management program, please visit www.fs.fed.us/recreation/programs/ohv.

Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000

On October 30, 2000, Congress signed Public Law 106-393. This law is called the "Secure Rural School and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000" and commonly known as Payments to States. The purpose of the Act is to stabilize payments to counties that help support roads and schools, provide projects that enhance forest ecosystem health and provide employment opportunities, and to improve cooperative relationships among Federal land management agencies and those who use and care about the lands the agencies manage.

Living Memorials Project

[graphic] The logo for the Living Memorials Project

With the overwhelming desire to honor and memorialize the tragic losses that occurred on September 11, 2001 the USDA Forest Service was asked by the United States Congress to create the “Living Memorials Project.” To date, fifty projects have been supported in the Northeast and we have developed a complimentary program of technical support for groups throughout the country. This initiative invokes the resonating power of trees to bring people together and create lasting, living memorials to the victims of terrorism, their families, communities, and the nation. The humble intent of this initiative is to offer the resonating power of trees to bring people together and to create living memorials to foster healing.

Protecting Air Quality Related

The Forest Service co-authored the FLAG Report. This report provides guidance which aids land managers, state permitting authorities, industry and others to better protect forest resources from the adverse effects of air pollution. Visibility is one of these key resources. See real-time visibility and historical visibility that exists in wildernesses.

Process Predicament Report

The Process Predicament: (PDF 608KB) How Statutory, Regulatory, and Administrative Factors Affect National Forest Management.

Appendix A (PDF 298KB)
Appendix B (PDF 787KB)
Appendix C (PDF 423KB)

(Note: PDF format, requires Adobe Acrobat to view).

US Forest Service
Last modified April 18, 2013

[graphic] USDA logo, which links to the department's national site. [graphic] Forest Service logo, which links to the agency's national site. [graphic] A link to the US Forest Service home page.