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[design image slice] U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service on faded trees in medium light green background [design image slice] more faded trees
[design image] green box with curved corner
[design image] green and cream arch
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US Forest Service
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Washington, D.C.

(800) 832-1355

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Forest Service Kids

The Forest Service is committed to connecting kids with nature and the outdoors by providing students, parents and teachers with youth-oriented information and resources related to natural resources and the environment. Our Agency wants to encourage more kids to go outdoors by having fun, being healthy and learning more about nature. This can instill kids to create an awareness of the value of public lands, seek careers in natural resources and land management as well as enthusiastically participate in physical activities. The online resources below will help them in the process.

USDA'S Kids Page

USDA provides students, parents, and teachers with youth-geared information and resources related to agriculture.[graphic] Visit the USDA Kids Page.

Discover the Forest

Discover the Forest.  Come to the Forest Where the Other You Lives.  A small child is seen jumping up in the air with a green field in the background.

Learn more »

A picture of four individuals on an accessible forest trail; one person is in a wheelchair and the other three are walking.

Eat Smart Play Hard for kids

Eat Smart. Play Hard. is about encouraging and teaching kids and adults to eat healthy and be physically active everyday.



A picture of four individuals on an accessible forest trail; one person is in a wheelchair and the other three are walking.

Backyard Conservation

Backyard Conservation shows you how conservation practices that are used on agricultural land across the country to conserve and improve natural resources can be adapted for use on the land around your home.



A picture of four individuals on an accessible forest trail; one person is in a wheelchair and the other three are walking.

4-H (Head, Heart, Hands, and Health)-USA

The 4-H program was developed so young people can enjoy university-based youth programs and projects for diverse interests. 4-H engages nearly seven million young people nationwide with exciting, hands-on learning adventures.



A picture of four individuals on an accessible forest trail; one person is in a wheelchair and the other three are walking.


Gardening information provided by the Penn State Pointers.



A picture of four individuals on an accessible forest trail; one person is in a wheelchair and the other three are walking.

George Washington Carver Coloring Book

Kids and teens can find a coloring book honoring Dr. George Washington Carver.



A picture of four individuals on an accessible forest trail; one person is in a wheelchair and the other three are walking.

Kids' Science Page

Kids' Science Page contains lists of children's books and articles on specific agricultural subjects, including science fair projects and supplies, careers and biographies of leading scientists, and "learn by doing" 4-H (Head, Heart, Hands, and Health) youth projects.



A picture of four individuals on an accessible forest trail; one person is in a wheelchair and the other three are walking.

Natural Inquirer

The Natural Inquirer contains articles on scientific research conducted by scientists at USDA on nature, such as trees, forests, wildlife, insects, outdoor activities, and water.



A picture of four individuals on an accessible forest trail; one person is in a wheelchair and the other three are walking.


NatureWatch is a partnership program of the U.S. Forest Service that provides nature viewing opportunities, encourages safe and sound viewing ethics and contributes to local economies.

US Forest Service
Last modified December 26, 2013

[graphic] USDA logo, which links to the department's national site. [graphic] Forest Service logo, which links to the agency's national site. [graphic] A link to the US Forest Service home page.