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U.S. Forest Service
Caring for the land and serving people

United States Department of Agriculture

Timber Sale, Stewardship, and Forest Products Contracts and Permits

The Forest Service sells timber and special forest products on a variety of contract and permit forms based on the complexity and/or value of the sale. Guidance for the use of these forms can be found in Forest Service Handbook (FSH) 2409.18, Chapter 50, Sections 53 and 54.

Permit Forms

FS-2400-1 Forest Product Removal Permit

Permit form FS-2400-1 is used to collect fees and to authorize both personal and commercial use forest product removal that is expected to have limited resource impacts. The permit allows removal of timber and special forest products, such as fuelwood, transplants, and mushrooms. All forest product removal permits have a minimum $20 charge.

FS-2400-8 Forest Products Free Use Permit

Permit form FS-2400-8 is used to authorize removal of firewood and other forest products without charge for personal use in order to aid in the protection and silvicultural improvement of individual National Forests when these needs cannot be met through the use of charge permits. Direction regarding free use of timber is found in Forest Service Manual (FSM) 2462.

Contract Forms

FS-2400-2 Contract for Sale of Decked Timber

Contract form FS-2400-2 is used for the sale of decked timber in a timber settlement sale or for material along roads or in landings where only authorization to load and haul timber is required.

FS-2400-3 Contracts

Forms FS-2400-3S (scale) and FS-2400-3T (tree measurement) are used for the sale of timber products that can be measured in cubic feet (convertible) and are shorter versions of contract forms FS-2400-6 and FS-2400-6T. Form FS-2400-3P is used for the sale of forest products that cannot be measured in cubic feet (nonconvertible).

FS-2400-4 Forest Products Contract and Cash Receipt

Contract form FS-2400-4 is used for premeasured sales of timber products that can be measured in cubic feet (convertible) or forest products that cannot be measured in cubic feet (nonconvertible). The form is used for simple sales not requiring the additional requirements included in FS-2400-3 contracts.

FS-2400-6 Contracts

Form FS-2400-6 is used for sales where timber is measured after felling (scaled). Form FS-2400-6T is used for sales where the timber is measured before felling (tree measurement). These contracts are used for the complex sales requiring specifications not contained in the simpler contract forms.

FS-2400-13 Contracts

Form FS-2400-13 is used for stewardship contracts where timber or forest products are measured after cutting and the value of the material being sold exceeds the cost of the services provided by the contractor. Form FS-2400-13T is used for stewardship contracts where timber or forest products are measured before cutting and the value of the material being sold exceeds the cost of the services provided by the contractor. These Integrated Resource Timber Contracts can be found at Integrated Resource Contracts and Agreements for use with Stewardship End Result Contracting Legislation.