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When we see fire, our first response is to put it out. For decades, the Forest Service has done just that when it came to wildland fires. But science has changed the way we think about wildland fire and the way we manage it. We still suppress fires, especially if they threaten people and communities, but we understand that fire has a role in nature – one that can lead to healthy ecosystems. So we look for ways to manage it to play its role, for instance, by igniting prescribed fires.

The Forest Service conducts cutting-edge research and develops tools to help land managers better understand and manage fire. Our scientists study fire behavior and the effects of fire on ecosystems and society, as well as offer management options.

Learn more about fire research 


Fighting Fire

More than 73,000 wildfires burn an average of about 7 million acres of private, state and federal land in the U.S. each year.  Forest Service firefighters respond to a significant number of those, either because they are burning on National Forest System land or because they are providing assistance to another federal, tribal, state or local partner.  

We need to be prepared with highly trained people, well designed tools and high performing equipment to respond safely and effectively to forest and grassland fires.  Responding to fires often requires a mix of ground firefighters and aerial firefighting aircraft. 

Learn more about people in fire

Learn more about firefighting equipment and tools


Fire Forecasting

Predictive Services provides information about fire weather, fire danger/fuels, and intelligence/resource status information that fire managers need to anticipate significant wildfire activity and determine where to poisiton firefighters, engines, aircraft and other wildfire suppression assets to respond to it.  

National Predictive Services products include weekly and monthly significant wildland fire potential outlooks, intelligence reports that are produced daily or weekly depending on wildfire activity, and annual reports.  

Learn more about fire forecasting


Fire Restoration

After a wildfire strikes, the Forest Service begins the restoration and rehabilitation process. Restoration encourages the growth of native species, eradicates non-native species, and returns the damaged land back to its original condition by stabilizing the exposed soil, planting new vegetation, and minimizing erosion and downstream flooding.


Burned Area Emergency Response

The purpose of the Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) program is to analyze the severity of damage caused by a fire and implement a proper restoration procedure in order to heal and restore the land to its original condition. 

Learn more about fire restoration and rehabilitation











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