A woman seen from the rear kayaking through a gorge. Several youth hold shears while cutting shrubs outside. A group of people walk down a trail. A young woman sits in a grassy area with a waterfall in the background.



Providing wise management of our nation’s water resources; engaging youth in conservation stewardship; promoting healthy, active lifestyles; and serving communities are goals that contribute to a healthy and vibrant America—and these goals could not be achieved without the help of the Forest Service’s partners. 

  • The U.S. Forest Service, the largest agency within the U.S. Department of Agriculture, has a long and distinguished history of public service and land stewardship through partnership. As the complexity surrounding the management of public lands increases, these partnerships are becoming an increasingly essential mechanism for achieving social, economic and ecological goals associated with our national forests. 

  • The U.S. Forest Service’s partnership program is valued at nearly $1.3 billion—in the 2012 fiscal year, the agency entered into more than 7,700 grants and agreements with partners who contributed $535 million, leveraged by $779 million in agency contributions. In addition, volunteer organizations return an average of 1,933 person-years of volunteer service each year, valued at over $88 million.

  • The Forest Service’s Congressionally chartered nonprofit partners—the National Forest Foundation (NFF), National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), and National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF)—are a crucial element within this network of strong, enduring partnerships.

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Forest Service Regional Partnership Websites

(Please note that the following pages are maintained by the regions, and some pages are works in progress.)

Northern Region (R1) Partnerships
Rocky Mountain Region (R2) Partnerships
Southwestern Region (R3) Partnerships
Intermountain Region (R4) Partnerships
Pacific Southwest Region (R5) Partnerships
Pacific Northwest Region (R6) Partnerships 
Southern Region (R8) Partnerships
Eastern Region (R9) Partnerships
Alaska Region (R10) Partnerships

Partnership Resource Center Website Partners

National Forest Foundation logoThe nonprofit partner of the Forest Service coordinates community-based and national programs that promote the health and public enjoyment of the National Forest System.


US Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution LogoThe U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution, an independent and impartial federal program, helps people find workable solutions to tough environmental conflicts.

Red Lodge Clearinghouse logo readingRed Lodge Clearinghouse works to advance citizen engagement in natural resources policy.


Green and yellow Forest Service shield.The USDA Forest Service manages public lands in national forests and grasslands.