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Private Land


Colorado Springs: A Case Study

In 2012, two people died, scores of homes were lost and thousands of acres were burned as a result of the Waldo Canyon Fire. But it could have been worse. Roughly 81 percent of the threatened homes were not burned. City leaders and residents said preparing and planning helped prevent further devastation.

Your land and fire


black forest fire


Your first line of defense against wildland fires is knowledge. Here are resources that will help you prepare for and possibly survive a wildfire.

Make your land work for you

Agroforestry is the right tree in the right place for the right reason. Agroforestry can help the environment and maybe your bottom line.

  • Working Trees is a series of brochures that serve as an introduction to agroforestry.
  • Conservation Buffers provides design guidelines for buffers that protect soil, improve air and water quality, enhance fish and wildlife habitat and provide a source of income.
  • Training is available through the National Agroforestry Center.
A photo of a woman standing next to a tree with a box full of mushrooms

Develop your own forest plan

If you own or mange forest land, you are likely concerned about keeping it healthy and productive. The Forest Service helps private landowners protect, improve, restore and sustain their forests.

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