Groups and Geographies

Are there tables for my population group?

Tables will be available based on the size of the group and the number of sample cases for a specific geographic area (like a state or town). Steps 1 and 2 below outline the criteria for publishing estimates for groups in the Selected Population Tables & American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Tables.

Step 1 — Population Size Requirement

For Selected Population Tables: (race, Hispanic origin, ancestry, and tribal groupings)
  • The population group must have a population of at least 7,000 at the national-level.
    • For race, Hispanic origin, and tribal groups, this is based on 2010 Census counts.
    • For ancestry groups, this is based on 2006-2010 ACS 5-year estimates.
    • There are 392 population groups included in for the 2006-2010 ACS 5-year Selected Population Tables.

Browse Selected Population Groups

.xls file   SPT Codelist [<1.0 MB]
For American Indian and Alaska Native Tables:
  • The American Indian or Alaska Native group must have a population of at least 100 at the national-level.
    • This is based upon 2010 Census counts for specific American Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages.
    • There are 950 population groups included in the 2006-2010 ACS 5-year AIAN Tables.

Browse American Indian and Alaska Native Groups

.xls file   AIANT codelist [<1.0 MB]

Step 2 — Sample Size Requirement

For Selected Population Tables and AIAN Tables:
  • For the table to be released, each geographic area (for example, the state of Florida) must have at least 50 unweighted sample persons from the population group
    • This is based on 2006-2010 ACS 5-year estimates.
    • This requirement protects individual and household responses.

Geographies By Data Product Available for the 2006-2010 ACS 5-Year Selected Population Tables

.xls file   SPT Geographies [<1.0 MB]

Geographies By Data Product Available for the 2006-2010 ACS 5-Year American Indian and Alaska Native Tables

.xls file   AIANT Geographies [<1.0 MB]