Data via FTP

The Census Bureau produces downloadable American Community Survey (ACS) data files, as well as other materials, on the Census Bureau's file transfer protocol (FTP) server.

Files on the FTP server are intended for advanced users. You can learn about other ways to access ACS data on the Data Tables & Tools page.

American Community Survey directories are located on the FTP server at If you are using a FTP client, the server address is You do NOT need a user name and password. If prompted for one, use "anonymous" as the user name, and no password.The ACS directories contain:

Item Year(s) Link
Summary Files 2005-present programs-surveys/acs/summary_file/
Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) Files
1996-present programs-surveys/acs/data/pums/
Variance Replicate Estimate Tables 2014-present programs-surveys/acs/replicate_estimates/
Table Shells 2004-present programs-surveys/acs/tech_docs/table_shells
Data Tables 1996-2004 program-surveys/acs/data/archive
ACS/Census Comparison Study
1999-2001 programs-surveys/acs/data/archive/acs_census_comparison/
Gulf Coast Study 2005 programs-surveys/acs/data/archive/gulf_coast_study_2005/
Multiyear Estimates Study
2005-2007 programs-surveys/acs/data/archive/multiyear_estimates_study/