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ED510382 - Missouri's Teacher Career Ladder Program. Research Brief

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ERIC #:ED510382
Title:Missouri's Teacher Career Ladder Program. Research Brief
Authors:Booker, KevinGlazerman, Steven
Descriptors:Academic AchievementOccupational MobilitySchool DistrictsTeaching (Occupation)Teacher PersistenceComparative AnalysisLongitudinal StudiesScoresMathematics AchievementReading Achievement
Source:National Center on Performance Incentives
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Publisher:National Center on Performance Incentives. Peabody College of Vanderbilt University, PMB #43, 230 Appleton Place, Nashville, TN 37203. Tel: 615-322-5538; Fax: 615-322-6018; e-mail:; Web site:
Publication Date:2008-10-00
Pub Types:Reports - Evaluative
Abstract:Although Missouri has had a career ladder program for teachers since 1987, there has been little research examining the program's effects. This paper examines the program's effect on student achievement using longitudinal data on district math and reading scores for 524 Missouri school districts over a nine-year period. Our primary specification compares achievement levels in participating districts with a matched group of non-participating districts. We also examine alternative specifications, including controlling for prior district scores and using variation in district participation over time to look at within-district effects. Across the range of specifications, the estimated effects range from small positive effects to no effect in both subjects. We conclude that if the Career Ladder has a positive impact on test scores, it is probably very small. [This research brief describes work published by the National Center on Performance Incentives in "Missouri's Teacher Career Ladder Program" by Kevin Booker and Steven Glazerman, Working Paper 2008-15.]
Abstractor:As Provided
Reference Count:0

Record Type:Non-Journal
Institutions:Vanderbilt University, National Center on Performance Incentives
Education Level:Elementary Secondary Education
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