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EJ909179 - Nonlinear Structured Growth Mixture Models in M"plus" and OpenMx

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ERIC #:EJ909179
Title:Nonlinear Structured Growth Mixture Models in M"plus" and OpenMx
Authors:Grimm, Kevin J.Ram, NilamEstabrook, Ryne
Descriptors:ModelsComputer SoftwareProgrammingStatistical AnalysisLongitudinal StudiesReadingChild Development
Source:Multivariate Behavioral Research, v45 n6 p887-909 2010
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Publisher:Psychology Press. Available from: Taylor & Francis, Ltd. 325 Chestnut Street Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106. Tel: 800-354-1420; Fax: 215-625-2940; Web site:
Publication Date:2010-00-00
Pub Types:Journal Articles; Reports - Research
Abstract:Growth mixture models (GMMs; B. O. Muthen & Muthen, 2000; B. O. Muthen & Shedden, 1999) are a combination of latent curve models (LCMs) and finite mixture models to examine the existence of latent classes that follow distinct developmental patterns. GMMs are often fit with linear, latent basis, multiphase, or polynomial change models because of their common use, flexibility in modeling many types of change patterns, the availability of statistical programs to fit such models, and the ease of programming. In this article, we present additional ways of modeling nonlinear change patterns with GMMs. Specifically, we show how LCMs that follow specific nonlinear functions can be extended to examine the presence of multiple latent classes using the M"plus" and OpenMx computer programs. These models are fit to longitudinal reading data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Kindergarten Cohort to illustrate their use. (Contains 2 figures, 2 tables, and 1 footnote.)
Abstractor:As Provided
Reference Count:30

Identifiers:Early Childhood Longitudinal Survey
Record Type:Journal
Education Level:Grade 1; Grade 3; Grade 5; Grade 8; Kindergarten
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