Comparing with Decennial

ACS 5-year estimates (including Selected Population Tables & American Indian and Alaska Native Tables) with Census 2000 data. Learn more with our topic specific guidance.

Differences in the universe, question wording, residence rules, reference periods, and the way in which the data are tabulated can impact comparability with Census 2000.

Race, Hispanic origin, and ancestry groups are generally comparable to Census 2000.

Legal definitions of some American Indian tribes have changed since 2000. This affects comparison to Census 2000.

Use 2010 Census counts for:

  • Age
  • Sex
  • Race
  • Hispanic or Latino Origin
  • Relationship
  • Household/Family Type
  • Subfamilies
  • Tenure

The 2010 Census will be the benchmark for these characteristics. If your analysis does not involve other ACS characteristics, you should use the 2010 Census to compare the distributions back to Census 2000.