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icon of glasses and a book Postdoctoral Research Training Program in the Education Sciences


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FY Awards

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Dr. Meredith Larson
(202) 245-7037

Dr. Corinne Alfeld
(202) 245-8203


The Institute has established the Postdoctoral Research Training Program in the Education Sciences (Postdoctoral) to increase the supply of scientists and researchers in education who are prepared to conduct rigorous and relevant education research addressing issues that are important to education leaders and practitioners and so contribute to the advancement of knowledge and theory in education. The specific intent of this program is to prepare researchers to be able to conduct the type of research that the Institute funds including the preparation of competitive proposals that address relevant education topics and meet the methodological requirements specified for the Institute's research grant competitions.

The work of the Institute is grounded in the principle that effective education research must address the interests and needs of education practitioners and policymakers, as well as students, parents and community members (see for the Institute's priorities).The Institute's education research grant competitions target research questions and key student outcomes of interest to education decision-makers and practitioners. The outcomes include school readiness for prekindergarten; learning, achievement, and higher order thinking in core academic content (reading, writing, mathematics, science) for students from kindergarten through Grade 12; behaviors that support learning in academic contexts for students from prekindergarten through high school; high school graduation; access, retention, and completion in postsecondary education; and reading, writing, and mathematics skills for adult learners.

Each year the training directors of the IES predoctoral and postdoctoral education research training programs report on their programs. In 2008, IES supplemented these reports with information obtained directly from the predoctoral and postdoctoral fellows. This report is a summary of the information provided by the IES fellows and by their training directors.
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