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IES Grant

Title: The New York University (NYU) Predoctoral Interdisciplinary Research Training Program in Education Sciences
Center: NCER Year: 2014
Principal Investigator: Kemple, James Awardee: New York University
Program: Predoctoral Interdisciplinary Research Training Programs in the Education Sciences      [Program Details]
Award Period: 5 years (9/1/2014-8/31/2019) Award Amount: $4,000,000
Goal: Training Award Number: R305B140037

The New York University (NYU) Predoctoral Training Program in Education Sciences, was originally funded by the Institute in 2008. The program provides doctoral students from three schools (Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development; the Wagner School of Public Service; and Faculty of Arts and Science) with the knowledge, expertise, and technical skills to pursue rigorous, cutting-edge, relevant research in both academic and non-academic settings and to produce research that can improve outcomes for PK-postsecondary students.

Over the course of this five year grant, NYU will offer 27 doctoral students two- or three-year training fellowships that yearly include tuition and benefits, $30,000 stipends, and a small research fund. PhD students in the training program will participate in an interdisciplinary core curriculum focused on 1) quantitative training in causal inference and data science and 2) developing fellows’ content expertise in the program’s thematic focal areas: enhancing outcomes beyond test scores and policy influences on and supports for the scale-up of evidence-based interventions.

In addition, fellows will receive additional training through a proseminar, workshops, and mentored research apprenticeships with NYU faculty. Fellows will also engage in practice/policy internships that may involve participation in a 9-month mentored policy/practice internship course aimed at teaching fellows how to (a) apply practice, policy, and research skills to one or more area of education science, (b) understand and analyze differentiated sets of roles and processes within education practice/policy organizations, and (c) integrate theory and research with education practice/policy toward new directions for education science. As a group project, fellows will develop education policy-based or practice-based research goals with their assigned partner organization. Fellows will then work towards those goals during the internship course.

Project Websites:

Related IES Projects: New York University previously received an award in 2008 to implement its training program.
