
The U.S. Department of State provides an inclusive atmosphere and collaborative environment in which all employees are encouraged to communicate and exchange information. It’s in this same manner that the Bureau of Global Talent Management, Office of Talent Acquisition extends an opportunity to all those interested in our careers to participate in the many forums listed below.

Please note that all entries designated with a green checkmark green checkmark indicate a response from a U.S. Department of State employee working in, or directly with, the Bureau of Global Talent Management. If asking a specific question, you should receive an official response within 1-2 business days.

Just click one of the icons below to get started.


These forums are designed for those interested in careers and internships with the Department of State. Any posts related to foreign policy or that contain inappropriate content will be removed immediately. Posts unrelated to U.S. Department of State careers or internships will also be removed.

If you have a personal question that requires a non-public response, please visit the Contact Us page and send a direct email to the appropriate address.

Please refer to the Department’s privacy policy if providing personally identifiable information in your forum post.

Foreign Service Blogs

In addition to these career-focused Forums, you can find more information on life in the Foreign Service at the American Foreign Service Association (AFSA) website through their expansive list of blogs written by and about those living the Foreign Service life.