Photographer Finds Inspiration in Everyday Encounters

Street photographer Dijon Bowden may have started as a filmmaker, but when he began the photography project titled Souls of San Francisco, he quickly knew he had found his true calling. Although pictures are his medium, Dijon primarily sees himself forging connections with people that his camera simply makes possible.

Extreme photos at extreme heights

For seven years, Emily Ibarra has traveled the world photographing the death-defying adventures of professional parkour and freerunning athletes. Captured at sites ranging from the Grand Canyon to the Far East, her photos reveal their fearless exploits as they scale skyscrapers, fly across rooftops, and banish fear in precarious poses. Emily loves her job. “It’s exciting. It’s terrifying, and it’s dangerous, and I get to capture that,” she gushes.

Photography as Art Therapy

Photographer Katie Eleanor began cultivating imaginary friends and dream worlds at a young age, and rather than discarding these dreamscapes in her teen years, she took up photography as a way of bringing them to life. When Katie found herself facing mental illness in her early 20s, she drew from the well of inspiration in her work to find healing.

Baltimore Riots: The story behind TIME’s iconic cover

Devin Allen grew up in west Baltimore surrounded by crime, drugs, and murder. Photography offered him not only a means of rediscovering his community’s beauty, but also literally saved his life. Still, he never dreamed that one of his photos would land him on the cover of Time magazine.