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National Center for Education Research

Research Programs

NCER supports rigorous research that contributes to the solution of significant education problems in the United States. Through its research initiatives and the national research and development centers, NCER engages in research activities that will result in the provision of high quality education for all children, improvement in student academic achievement, reduction in the achievement gap between high-performing and low-performing students, and increased access to and opportunity for postsecondary education.

Findings from the National Center for Education Research: 2002–2011
This document provides highlights of NCER funding between 2002–2011. With this funding, advances have been made in our understanding of how best to support student academic learning, the limitations and strengths of current teacher professional development programs, and features of policies intended to improve student access to, persistence in, and completion of school.
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Publications Emerging From Research Funded through the National Center for Education Research as of September 30, 2011
This document contains a list of publications (as of September 30, 2011) that have resulted from approximately 600 research grants funded through IES/NCER since 2002. The publications, intended for both the scientific community as well the general public, are on topics spanning from basic translational research to the evaluation of state education policies. The list will be updated regularly to include new articles as they are published, so please check our website periodically for updated material.
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National Center for Education Research Projects and Programs 2002–2008
This booklet is a compilation of all the research grants and contracts and the training grants that NCER has awarded since NCER's first year (2002), when the Institute of Education Sciences was established. The projects listed here represent a new generation of education research—research that is rigorous, relevant, and intended to improve the quality of education in the United States.
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