Exhibit 3,602 FW 3
FWM#:  355 (Supersedes 602 FW 3, 6/23/96, FWM 201)
Date:  June 21, 2000
Series: Refuge Management
Part 602:  National Wildlife Refuge System Planning
Originating Office:Division of Refuges
 PDF Version

___ Short description of the planning unit to include:
___ Size
___ Establishment date
___ Regional setting (include area map)
___ Land acquisition or habitat protection efforts
___ Current management (including a map)
___ Current staffing
___ Existing partnerships
___ Purpose(s) for which the refuge was established
___ Past land use and history of settlement, including a description of any changes in topography, hydrology,
       and other factors
___ Existing transportation patterns and related visitor facilities
___ Habitat management practices
___ Refuge System mission and goals.
___ Ecosystem goals and objectives.
___ Goals and objectives for other landscape-level plans.
___ National goals and objectives for species, species groups, habitats and communities, or programs (e.g., shorebirds, an
       endangered species, priority public use program).
___ Identify any mandates that apply to the area or the proposed plan.

___ Description of the planning unit environment to include:

___ distribution, migration patterns, and abundance of fish, wildlife, and plant populations, including any
       threatened or endangered species and related habitats;
___ current and historic description of the flora and fauna, and the diversity of habitats and natural communities;
___ wildlife habitat and species relationships;
___ ability of the planning unit to meet the habitat needs of fish, wildlife, and plants, as they occur throughout their
       natural ranges;
___ vegetation types (Federal Geographic Data Committee compliant map required);
___ vegetation/land cover and wildlife habitat relationships;
___ significant problems that may adversely affect the ecological integrity or wilderness characteristics and the
       actions necessary to correct or mitigate the problems;
___ context of the planning unit in relation to the surrounding ecosystem;
___ structures, components, and functions of the ecosystem(s) of which the planning unit is a part;
___ fish, wildlife, and plants and their habitats and communities that are rare and/or declining within the
___ archaeological and cultural resources of the planning unit;
___ refuge land status map;
___ natural and historic role of fire and other natural occurrences affecting ecological processes;
___ existing special management areas (e.g., wilderness, wild and scenic rivers);
___ relationship between the planning unit and other refuges and protected areas
___ Document and describe the following:
___ significant problems that may adversely affect the populations and habitats of fish, wildlife, and plants within
       the planning unit (including candidate, threatened, and endangered species) and the actions necessary to
       correct or mitigate such problems;
___ water resources including quantity and quality;
___ known or suspected sources of environmental contaminants and their potential impacts on the planning unit
       (refer to the Contaminant Assessment Program);
___ potential for special management area designations (e.g., wilderness, research natural areas, and wild and
       scenic rivers);
___ summary of management history;
___ other significant issues of management or public concern;
___ existing and potential opportunities for wildlife-dependent recreation;
___ existing administrative resources, including staffing, funding, and facilities;
___ potential need for administrative sites, transportation improvements, or visitor facilities and areas within the
       planning unit that are suitable for such sites.
___ Vision statement.

___ Goals for at least the following areas:

___ wildlife species or groups of species;
___ habitat (including land protection needs);
___ fish, wildlife, and plant populations, as appropriate;
___ compatible wildlife-dependent recreation;
___ others as needed to meet mandates (such as refuge-specific legislation, executive orders, special area
       designations, etc.).
___ Objectives for each goal.
___ Strategies to achieve each objective.
___ Map(s) of desired future conditions (e.g., habitat management areas, facilities, wildlife- dependent recreation sites, etc.).
___ Identification of step-down management plans required to fully implement the CCP.
___ Prioritized list of projects and estimated project costs (update priorities and cost estimates annually).
___ Staffing and funding required to implement the plan.
___ Potential partnership opportunities.
___ Monitoring plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan and project implementation, including monitoring of target fish,
       wildlife, and plant populations and their habitats.
___ Summary of public involvement process, comments received and their disposition, and consultation and coordination with
       other Federal agencies, State conservation agencies, and adjacent landowners.
___ Compatibility determinations (including pre-acquisition compatibility determinations).
___ Wilderness review.
___ Habitat/Land Protection Plans (if applicable).
___ NEPA documentation.

For additional information regarding this Web page, contact Krista Holloway, in the Division of Policy and Directives Management, at Krista_Holloway@fws.gov.  For information on the specific content of this exhibit, contact the Division of Refuges.
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