Science Highlights

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01.23.17Science Highlight

Supercomputers for Quantum Computers

Researchers simulate the design of new quantum bits for easier engineering of quantum computers. Read More »

01.23.17Science Highlight

Bacteria’s Secret Weapon

Enzyme Shows Promise for Efficiently Converting Plant Biomass to Biofuels Read More »

01.23.17Science Highlight

Methylmercury Sleuths Armed with New Spotlight

Researchers can now more quickly identify which microbes produce mercury toxins the environment Read More »

01.23.17Science Highlight

A New World Discovered Underground

Detailed genetic studies reveal an underground world of stunning microbial diversity and add dozens of new branches to the tree of life. Read More »

01.09.17Science Highlight

Seashell Formation Provides Understanding of Historic Oceanographic Conditions

Insights into how ancient marine organisms formed shells could improve climate model accuracy. Read More »

01.09.17Science Highlight

Light Strikes Gold

Scientists advance the precision controlled synthesis of gold nanocrystals, which could create new catalysts that improve industrial energy efficiency. Read More »

12.14.16Science Highlight

Surrounded by Water

Water molecules can organize around protons from acids, influencing how the positive charge behaves in batteries, power plants, and waste sites.

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12.14.16Science Highlight

New Properties Discovered in Atom-Wide Troughs

Scientists found that removing lines of atoms in thin electronic materials creates “veins” that could benefit solar panels and more.

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12.14.16Science Highlight

Spinning the (X-ray) Light Fantastic

Delta undulator provides researchers with a new tool to probe chiral materials with widespread utility in agriculture and pharmaceuticals.

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12.14.16Science Highlight

Translating Basic Biological Research to Cancer Drug Discovery

Discovery of promising next-generation inhibitors for metastatic melanoma treatment done with help from x-ray crystallography.

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Last modified: 11/9/2015 8:58:42 PM