National Guard

EO & Diversity

EO & Diversity

“One of our National Guard’s greatest strengths as an operational force is that we are present in communities across the country. In the end, when you bring in the National Guard, you bring in the richness and diversity of hometown America.” - FRANK J. GRASS, General, USA, Chief of the National Guard Bureau.

About the Program


To develop and influence policies and programs to promote and sustain a diverse Army National Guard to meet future domestic and global missions.


The ARNG will reflect the fabric of our nation's communities, states, territories, and the District of Columbia. Leaders and commanders will embrace the value of a diverse workforce as a critical element to mission success. The ARNG will be composed of a diversity of races, educational and cultural backgrounds, and professional skill sets. Both men and women will enjoy equal ability to advance and excel.

ARNG Strategic Map
EO & Diversity Point of Contact
Email The EO & Diversity Office

Phone: 703-601-7391