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It's All About Health

Zika Virus

Zika Virus  

Information on Zika Virus. Read more

68W training

Improving Patient Care    

New 68W utilization program increases readiness. Read more

blood pressure

Women's health screenings help save lives

Regular screenings are important. Read more

Physical Training

'SMART Goals'

Improving your health. Read more

Brain Detection

Protecting Soldiers    

Army scientists use fluorescent gels to study blast pressure on the brain. Read more



MHS GENESIS is the Military Health System's new electronic health record. Read more

Healthy Living Tips of the Week

Temperature check

2017 Health Goal: Manage Stress. Prolonged, severe bouts of stress can affect your body, mood and behavior, leading to illnesses, lack of motivation and angry outbursts. Developing healthy coping skills and avoiding over-committing are essential to remain cool and collected under pressure. All of the military service branches offer programs to help service members and their families cope with problems, do better in stressful situations and thrive in general.


2017 Health Goal: Be smoke-free. Quitting smoking or chewing tobacco takes resolve, but there are plenty of resources available to help you.


2017 Health Goal: Get screenings and vaccinations. Routine screenings can alert you to potential problems before they become full-blown health crises.


2017 Health Goal: Eat well, start moving and get sleep. Focusing on nutrition, physical activity and sleep at the same time can improve your cognitive and physical performance, slow down the aging process and help prevent diseases and injuries.

Healthy Living Videos

Army Medicine Health Minute

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